As of today, over 40 people have cycled our from our team at least once, and we are still counting. 12 Weeks ago, when I joined Clubfreedom through 6k4you, I knew that great things were ahead, but little did I know that things will happen this quickly. The last 12 weeks have been really exciting, I have seen couples cycle out during their honeymoon, people who earn less than one cycle per annum, cycled out in less than 6 weeks. I’ve seen guys make money, I have seen ladies make money. I’ve gotten to interact directly with over 200 new people, gotten to make about 50 new friends, all thanks to Clubfreedom.
When it seemed like cycling was the mantra of the day, and board breaking the preoccupation of most employees, clubfreedom announced the launch of a new program that’s about to make cycling money like petty cash. I remember when I joined back then, one of my primary concerns was wether the company will last long, and if my integrity will not go with marketing for a flash in the pan company. I was opportuned however to speak to someone from the company who assured me that not only is the company here to stay, but that a new program that will start soon will make it last for verrrry long. The program is here now… and I’m supper impressed. In response to this program, I am also freeing myself of some responsibilities and sharing that opportunity with some others. Effective from today, some other people will be helping you all to make 6k4you payments…and hopefully soon, Clubfreedom payments.
How will this new program work?
This new program is interesting. It gives clubfreedom members a unique opportunity to make tens to hundreds of thousands monthly. In this new program, there are many avenues to earn. You can earn from the forex trading that will be done with cash invested, you can also earn referral bonuses from all your downlines to the 10th Generation. Think about it, if all you do is bring two people who bring two people and on, by the time you get to the 10th generation, you’ll have 1024 downlines already. These are all people you get to earn 10% of referral bonus on. There is also a unique opportunity of winning some other fantastic leadership bonuses. For any one who is interested in investing money and making good returns, clubfreedom has just developed a really interesting model. Any already clubfreedom member who wants to take positions on this should indicate interest, we might be able to organize a seminar where it will all be explained critically.
I foresee that this new program is interesting. It gives clubfreedom members a unique opportunity to make tens to hundreds of thousands monthly. In this new program, there are many avenues to earn. You can earn from the forex trading that will be done with cash invested, you can also earn referral bonuses from all your downlines to the 10th Generation. Think about it, if all you do is bring two people who bring two people and on, by the time you get to the 10th generation, you’ll have 1024 downlines already. These are all people you get to earn 10% of referral bonus on. There is also a unique opportunity of winning some other fantastic leadership bonuses. For any one who is interested in investing money and making good returns, clubfreedom has just developed a really interesting model. Any already clubfreedom member who wants to take positions on this should indicate interest, we might be able to organize a seminar where it will all be explained critically.
I foresee that this new program will come with it’s one share of work, hence in order to be set for things, I’m also outsourcing validations/payments, first in 6k4you, and ultimately in clubfreedom as well. From henceforth, if you want to pay for any of your downlines in 6k4you, below are the people to call and the bank accounts to make payments into. Please feel free to call any of them and to transact business with any of them, for now on 6k4you. I can assure you that they are trustworthy and will do your bidding within minutes. I would like to kindly suggest that you send them text messages indicating who is paying for which two downlines. Please make sure that the casing and spellings are exactly as they when you registered for them.
Tope Gbadamosi
Phone Number: 08082984273
Account Details
GTBank, Acc No: 33130434031590
Emore Ogho
Phone Number: 08051104008
Email :
Account Details
GTBank, Acc No: 4112956521590
First Inland Bank, Acc No: 08036775936
The other names will appear here as soon as I get all their details.
A sample text message to these numbers should read as follows – “the username alujo is paying for bata and duru. 24k was deposited into your account this morning, or pls validate bata, duru, segun and kike, 48k was paid to you today.”
Please note that from today, I will no longer be able to make payments for people in 6k4you. In the event that I have to, I’ll have to buy what to pay with from these people and that will mean it’s more expensive than going to them.
What lies ahead is huge my friends. We are about rounding the bend where people will begin to beg us to join clubfreedom through us, for soon, it’s no longer about cycling, it’s about being a member.
For people still interested in knowing more about CF, my team holds trainings on Wednessdays 2pm at 65c Opebi Road, and 2pm, 4pm and 5pm on Sunday’s at either 65c Opebi Road or Sheraton Hotel. To make further enquiries, you can call 01-7941602
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