Extreme Makeover – Season1

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Deolu Akinyemi

The response to the idea of extreme makeovers is really exciting for me. I didn’t expect so many people to be interested. With 5 people, we would have gone ahead, but with so many, it’s making it really exciting.

I don’t think we have anything else to wait for, I believe we should simply start, and perfect things as we go. I’ll suggest we start by collating stories of people around us that we know that can benefit from this. We’ll all put up different stories following a template that I will provide with the story of one that I will present now. We will allow stories to come in for 1 full week, after this time we will then vote for the stories, and pick the first 3. At this stage we’ll need as much help as we can get from people who can volunteer themselves, we’ll investigate the top 3 stories, and come up with an amount that can suffice. I also think it might be a good idea that rather than raise 100k every month, it might be a good idea to raise quite some amount at the outset, invest in a credible place that can give consistent monthly income, and use the returns from this to fund the extreme makeover and Angel Network. We can keep growing the initial capital as we grow and who knows, have a proper foundation in the making (this is dependent on how much of the interest is backed up, we can still start small). I was very impressed when shortly after I had written the previous post someone signed up a clubfreedom slot for the Angel Network. I’m really thrilled by these interests, and believe me, you will be proud we started this together. For the first story please read on.

I’ll title this, Story1, I’ll expect other stories to be written as Story2 and on like that. Anybody who has a particular emergency for Angel Network  should also write a story titled Angel Network1. I implore you to make these stories compelling enough to win the votes of people, and factual enough to make it through our investigations. No exaggerations please. Let my Story1 serve as a guide



This individual is a 21 year old boy. He lost his father over 4yrs ago, leaving his mother, 4 sisters and a baby brother. The mum currently does not keep a 9-5 job, neither is she able to do any serious business since she is taking care of 5 children. This young lad has been working for the past over 4yrs to feed and cater for his family. He has not been able to make out time and resources for any tertiary education, he is currently managing a recharge card sales and phone call business. This is what he uses to pay rent, feeding and the school fees of all his younger ones. He has also been managing to pay for and attend courses on Computer hardware. He is under sever pressure.

Basis for Qualification 

To qualify for this gift, the nominee must have something he or she is doing, that having a little more money will radically transform. This particular nominee has just incurred a serious plunge into his cashflow when he had to squeeze out N60,000 to pay for the pre-university education of his immediate younger sister. This is affecting the capacity of his business. He will be able to do more with more.

Basis for Deserving

To deserve this makeover, nominees must have demonstrated generosity, sacrifice and generally a good heart. This nominee has been depriving himself an education so his siblings can have a better life. I have never seen him complaining or with a frustrated face. He is being strong through it all, without immersing himself in self pity. He is being a man, when the landlord knocks, he’s the man!

Please let the stories role in within the next one week. Like someone said, lets look for an opportunity in the people around us. If you think deeply, you’ll remember someone. Let’s get the ball rolling.

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