Strategic Bloggers Conference

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Deolu Akinyemi

In the last 2 months, I have had a surge in requests from corporate organizations to attend various events. Interestingly I discovered that the common theme with all these corporates was blogging, and the desire to explore social media possibilities. It was in order to create some structure to the industry, and ensure that we can form an alliance or association that helps us all achieve more and together create the third alternative, that we held the strategic bloggers conference. MTN was so gracious to single handedly sponsor the meeting.

I hope I speak for all, when I say that we had a great meeting. It was exciting getting to see the faces behind some of the blogs –,,,,,,,,,,, and (who did I miss?). The deliberations were quite fruitful, we seemed to largely be on the same page and like the idea of a synergistic collaboration that allows us all to better position for the corporate advertising possibilities soon to become very relevant on the Nigerian blogosphere. It was also exciting to see that we averagely have all been at this for more than 3yrs, and that for all of us, it started as a hobby 🙂

We all agreed an association was the right direction, and actually went ahead to all propose and agree on a name. We also agreed that coming together will be based on defined minimum standards, individual internal structures, ethics, and sincerity about blog statistics and so much more.  Resolution of a number of issues were pushed to online meetings and email exchanges. Overall, we were able to agree the skeletal framework of our walk together. The future looks pretty exciting. Please if you weren’t invited for the meeting don’t worry, there is another in the works. This was quite impromptu and for a limited number. We’ll be increasing the numbers in the online discussions.

The meeting was not all about talking and brainstorming, it was garnished with the right doze of fun laughter and excitement. Apart from being treated to buffet lunch and coffee breaks that got too much and led to takeaways, we also had an internal raffle draw :). Dipo Tepede, made away with a Compaq laptop, by what seemed like consistent confessions and evoking the laws of attraction :). Felix Ekpa and Ore Notes (I need that name) also won MTN fastlink Modems. It was quite some fun.

We also had the opportunity of hearing MTN out, their challenges, their victories and their current realities. It was in this meeting I discovered that the MTN fastlink that’s currently in use is not what it was 2-3 months ago. They are plugged in on Main 1 now, and one of the people present – Yomi Adegboye of mobilitynigeria confirmed to me that the link works so much better now. I’ll have to dust my copy and plug it again :). MTN, ably represented by Olabisi Oshinaike, assured us of MTNs commitment to providing reliable support for the Nigerian internet and to bloggers. It’s a new walk for them as well, but one in which they see possibilities.

Well, the raffle draw did not end there, in the next few days and weeks, many readers of this blog will be winning a few prices as well. MTN has graciously made some phones available, a blackberry and a fastlink modem. They are all up for grabs :). To qualify to pick them up you need to answer 10 questions correctly and first. The questions will be given one by one on every post, starting from the next one. Please do not send the answers to the questions until we have 3 questions. Prices will be given for the first correct 3 answers, the first correct 6 answers, the first Correct 9 answers, and the overall first with 10 answers will win the ultimate price – The Blackberry 8520. There will also be a special price for the person that notified the highest number of people about this competition.

Raffledraw? Maybe we’ll be able to work out an arrangement to put all the names of people commenting on this blog into a raffle and drawing out a winner, we just need to be able to work on the logistics of making it free and fair. 🙂

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