The story begins with a wealthy king who was owed the equivalent of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) by one of his servants. This servant who owed so much was brought before him. The man was so deeply in debt that he would never have been able to pay it back in his lifetime, he may even have needed to sell his family to pay. The king moved with compassion, decided to forgive the man’s debt, and let him go free.
The man, overwhelmed with gratitude, left the king’s presence and went home. But on the way, he met a fellow servant who owed him a much smaller debt of about ten dollars ($10). The man demanded that the debt be paid immediately, and when the other servant was unable to pay, he had him thrown into prison.
The news of what had happened filtered back to the king, who was outraged. He summoned the unmerciful servant back to his presence and demanded an explanation. The man tried to justify his actions, but the king was unmoved. He had shown the man mercy and forgiveness, but he had refused to extend the same kindness and generosity to his fellow servant.
In the end, the king had the unmerciful servant thrown into prison, where he would remain until he had paid back every last penny of his debt.
Now pay attention
The man was forgiven a debt that he could not pay ordinarily
The man decided not to forgive but jail someone who owed him just $10
In the end, the man ended up where the person who owed him ended up
Do you wonder why someone who has forgiven so much will not be willing to extend it to others?
There are many possible reasons, but I’ll like you to see the hidden one.
1. Debt forgiven doesn’t equate to cash at hand, so he still felt a need to get cash
2. It’s easy to quickly forget what is already done; humans are always into what’s next
3. It’s easy to discount our blessings, and be harsh on others who we should bless
4. No matter what you have been given, if you don’t spread the love, you will lose it
5. What you do to others will finally come to settle down with you. Karma is spiritual
6. Your attitude to people will determine your fate. It’s a matter of time.
Now here is the hidden lesson.
“If you see someone working hard to achieve nothing, it’s possibly because he’s that first servant. What the king had saved him from was a need to generate an extra income per month which would go into paying the debt. Now he has to work hard to service debts that he could have forgiven. Those who are not generous to others are looking for unproductive work”.
Welcome to a new month. Be Generous, be grateful, and expect miracles and miracles.