In case you are looking for what to tweet today, you can use the Tag #IsthatNormal or simply rewtweet my tweet’s on it. I’m experimenting with giving out tweetmixes 🙂
These are things people do, and they think are normal. Please REPENT! They are far from normal.
Have fun…
You have worked for a few good years at not bad jobs, and you don’t have any assets, is that normal?
You are married, but the only thing that brings you and your partner together is sex, is that normal?
You believe you are a Christian, but you can’t point at anybody who became a follower of Christ through you, is that normal?
You claim to love others, but your love is concerned about their temporary short life, and not at all on their eternity, is that normal?
You don’t know how much your spouse earns, you keep the books separate and have no joint goals you are working towards, is that normal?
In your home, only one person ever has anything to do with the children’s assignments, is that normal?
You are worried about how much progress you have made in life, and slipping into benchmarking yourself with friends, is that normal?
You have never done a financial health checkup, so you don’t even know how you are fairing in an aspect of life so critical, is that normal?
You know deep down that something is wrong, but rather than change, you are hoping things will fall into place, is that normal?
You claim you are a child of God, but you are not very excited about reading the bible and praying, is that normal?
You were told you had potentials growing up, even right now you still realize you are mostly potentials, yet you haven’t taken a coach, is that normal?
You are not in control of your income, your expense or your Cashflow, yet you prophesy about great things this year, is that normal?
The declarations of the last 10yrs of your life have never been reviewed, and you have made another one this year, is that normal?
You have been sowing consistently and there is no evidence of reaping in your life after 3 years, are all your seeds for Chinese Bamboo? Is that normal?
A prostitute packages her 10% and gives it in church. What you do is unapproved, and you think God is interested in your offering? Is that normal?
You children are being trained by the school. You send them there, and hope for the best, is that normal?
Everything you read applies to one friend of yours or the other, but none directly hits you. Hmmmm! Is that normal?