1. Make more money! This is the first law of financial intelligence. You can enroll at “Our Place” get on board the A2W platform and participate in any of many opportunities. I have done this for 4 years plus.
2. Spend Less than you earn! This is what makes you have some reserve. You can take advantage of the cooperative savings, A2W retail and A2W Services affords you. I have done this for 2 years plus.
3. Ensure what you save is safe from you! This is done by having an Escrow account. You can use A2W Fund – Cooperative or ATM 20/40 for this. I have done this for over 2 years.
“I am building my business; it’s always been my dream. There are so many distractions but I am committed to it. It’s my only stream of income, but I have made up my mind to stick to this one thing!”
4. It is dangerous to have one stream of income! Focus, but diversify. Having a Job and letting your business having you is one and the same. The goal is to have a system that generates passive income.
First step is to be in control of your resources, are you?