Before you complain about your setback, consider this

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Deolu Akinyemi

In the last few weeks, God has literally been amplifying the power of dreams to me. I have recalled a few of my personal experiences and have heard story after story after story of people who were subliminally guided away from danger, towards opportunity, and even towards complete strangers who had something for them. Being divinely guided by dreams is one concept where your faith doesn’t really matter, people of all faiths have dreams, and some prove to be very significant, while some are just overflows from our busy lives.

So this morning, I had one of those dreams you wake up from, and know instantly that God was giving you a message. It was so strong that I woke up, wrote down the message, and went back to bed. I however feel that this message is not for me alone, it’s for someone else out there too. If you are already digging into this, perhaps it is for you too.

This dream took me to the location I was in over 20 years ago. I found myself in my final year in school preparing to take one of my final exams. The feelings were so real and tormenting. I was dressed to go for an exam for which I had no note. I had a vague idea of the course, but not enough to brave it without reading, and here was I unprepared, with no notes on the site, and making my way to the exam hall. I hoped to find someone whose books I could just quickly glance through before I got to the exam hall, but nobody was in sight.

As I moved to the exam location, it suddenly dawned on me that this was not my set. It was like I was having a dream in my dream. I suddenly realized, I had actually finished school and passed this same exam even though under similar circumstances. The people doing exams on that very day were my juniors, no myself, what a huge relief. I was already close to the exam hall though, so I followed the bandwagon and entered. As soon as I entered and sat down, it dawned on me that I wasn’t there for myself, but for someone else.

The examiner was the lecturer, and he was quite harsh. He demanded the course card for the course as a prerequisite for people to do the exam, and some people didn’t have theirs. They had to leave the hall to go and get it, and they were going to lose a lot of time. At that point, I followed them out, and kept looking out for who I was there for. As I walked towards my department, I met one of my classmates who had carried over the course. This classmate was in tears, she couldn’t find her course card, and the department was busy handling a domestic issue and was not answering her or helping out. She had gotten frustrated and told herself she couldn’t take it anymore. She was going back to her room, and giving up. At that very instant, I knew it was her I came out for. I told her to follow me, and that I’ll get the card from the department. I meditated and we got out the card. She needed a little encouragement to go do the exam, I provided the encouragement. She was able to get all that was needed and do her exam, and all it took, was for me to be in the right place at the wrong time.

When I woke up from this dream, I was inspired to pen down these words – “There is a reason you are in the right place at the wrong time, find it, it’s for someone else”. What this means to me is, when you feel your life is not moving quickly enough, when you feel your prayers were not answered, when you feel like you have been set back, don’t take it personally. Look around you, and you may discover the person you are meant to help, and the person who God slowed you down to help. Trust me, when you play the role you are meant to play in the life you are meant to play, it may not look like a lot immediately, but in time, it will be more valuable than coasting along right on time.

So ask yourself, who am I supposed to be a blessing to where I am today? Why is God keeping me here? If you find those answers, you unlock a major part of your purpose. Many times we are so preoccupied with our dreams, that we do not realize that our purpose is connected to the dreams of others.

Like. Share. Comment. Don’t do it for yourself, do it because someone gets to see this when you do, and you may have contributed more than the writer to their lives.


Adeolu Akinyemi

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