You are Unstoppable

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Deolu Akinyemi


Tonight I feel like going straight to bed, it’s 4am, and I must be up by 7am for a marathon session as I baptize myself into knowledge for creating a New Industry in Nigeria. 8yrs from now, I desire to be the most influential person on the continent of Africa. I want to have created the greatest number of empowered souls who go ahead to do the same for others. I want to have given houses, private jets, education and hope to cities and nations! I want to be a blessing to millions of people and a source of pride for Nigeria and the black race. Before I go to bed however, I want to let you know, that just like me you are Unstoppable!

Who told you that you cannot achieve your dreams? Who told you that your past is consulted to determine your future? Who told you that you cannot become all you desire to become? Who told you that your dreams are too big and too unrealistic? Tell them you are unstoppable! 

One of the things I learnt pretty fast in my life is that when you have an appetite for something, it’s indicative that the meal exists in your future. God gives us no appetite for meals he doesn’t intend for us to eat. Everything that man was going to need was made before him. God waited to make man last so that he doesn’t crave for what doesn’t exist, and the moment man craved for a companion, God put man to sleep gave him a dream and made it real. Whatever it is that lurks in our mind as an intention, a desire or a dream – nurture it, you are unstoppable! What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Go ahead and do it, you are unstoppable!

Is your dream so big that sharing it frightens you? Or is it so common place that it’s not even daring to share? Does your dream intimidate your brothers like Joseph’s? Do you want to be the richest man in the world? Do you want to be the first female president? Do you want to be the most influential human alive? Do you want adopt 500 Children? Build world class schools? Empower 50 people, become Governor, become Senator? Whatever is you dream, though it be a mere glint, fan it up into a flame! You are unstoppable!

Tonight I sat in a conference that sat 7,000 people from different nationalities, I listened to the stories of men who were unknown scums of their societies who had risen to prominence and significance. I remembered that Jesus started off from a Manager, Joseph as a slave and David as a shepherd boy. I remembered the many greats that the world as witnessed, from the Martin Luther King Jr’s to the Ghandi’s to the Einstein’s of this world and it occurred to me that it was impossible to predict their future from their pasts. Quit judging how far you can go by where you are currently stuck, lift up your eyes, quit burying them in the mud. You have a place in the stars, keep your eyes on your dreams, you are unstoppable. Learn from the words of Mohamed Ali -“What your eyes can’t see, your hands can’t hit.”

Don’t allow the world to box you into stereotypes, refuse to conform. You don’t know it all, quit being arrogant. The definition you were given in your office is not the only one that exists. I remember for years, I thought since I worked in a particular company and they had told us with confidence and conviction that we were the best and were doing the best, I had somehow believed that the world revolved around my company. I discovered quickly after I left, that it didn’t. The world doesn’t revolve around what you know or the lens with which you view life. Life is bigger, way bigger than your current narrow mind. Empty your cup, so that it can be filled, let go of “I too know”, submit yourself to learning and understanding, dare to look with fresh eyes, dare to question the conventional. Why must you be bound? Why? Why must you spend 3 more years doing what you hate hoping that what you love will show up? Why must you limit yourself? Why?

Excellence is in the habit, not in sudden jolts to greater heights. Learn to be comfortable with having bold dreams and goals, but learn to make practical plans. If you plan takes you from 10 to 10,000,000 without taking you through the bus stops of one extra zero per junction, then your plan is a wonder plan! If your dream cannot be connected to your today, you need to wake up from that dream. You can be all you want to be, if you are willing to make it happen.

1. Have a Dream
2. Make a Plan
3. Surround yourself with the company of people whose dreams make yours look possible
4. Refuse to conform or be stopped
5. Never Never Never, give up.

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1 thought on “You are Unstoppable”

  1. I gave a whack at payment the cardinal habits, and I’m amazed! They tasted great and provided a intelligibility of calmness and relaxation. My lay stress melted away, and I slept better too. These gummies are a game-changer for me, and I greatly recommend them to anyone seeking appropriate emphasis recess and think twice sleep.

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