Where are You? – 2

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Deolu Akinyemi

Continued from Where are you?

I recommend strongly that you read the article before this one before starting off with this. This article is a 6 points cardinal points on the journey of an achievers life, using Joseph as the case study. If you study this road map, you will be able to answer clearly where you are, and it might even arm you with what to do, to get to the place of your dreams.

One other thing I must be careful to mention is that, though we all have similar cardinal points, not all of us will get to the end of it. We are responsible for our actions in each stage of our journey, and those actions or inactions will lead to our future. It is only by adopting the attitudes of Joseph that we can enjoy the journey of Joseph. The attitudes of Joseph is however another text that is completely different from what we are currently exploring. We are exploring the key cardinal points and landmarks in the life of any achiever.

Joseph had moved from Padanaram the place of plains and equality to the Pit, a place of temporary demotion and waiting. From the Pit, he was sold into slavery to Potiphar’s house. Read on.

Potiphar’s House

One of the key characteristics of Potiphar’s house is that it’s not home. Joseph was sold to this man as a slave. In Potiphar’s house, you work hard to earn your keep. Potiphar’s house was a long stretch in the life of Joseph, for he was there not a few years. Potiphar’s house could have been agony, it’s a place where you have a boss, or bosses. It’s a place that starts out very far from the picture you had of your dreams. Your starting point in Potiphar’s house is at the lowest wrung of the ladder. You are a common slave, employee, worker, e.t.c. You start small in Potiphar’s house, but you could end however you so desire.

Potiphar’s house can be agonizing, it could however also be a place of growth, experience and career progression, all depending on the attitude. Potiphar’s house is a place where you want to gather around with other co-slaves and talk about the injustice that led you to this low estate. Potiphar’s house is the place where slaves enjoy camaraderie sharing their sorrows and hoping for one day one day. Potiphar’s house is not home, it’s a place far in experience from how you were treated back home – “even my father wouldn’t treat me like this”,” I couldn’t take this from anyone”, “I am more than this”, this are typical phrases in the vocabulary of the inhabitants of Potiphar’s house. Joseph who had up till now been a golden boy, decided to put the gold in a safe and get dirty as he threw himself into service. Not once was his key talent publicly demanded for – his ability to dream or interpret. He however gained new skills, he learnt administration, learnt discipline, and learn he did. In Potiphar’s house, Joseph rose and rose until he was in charge.

The peak of the career aspiration of every journey-man is to be the owner, and many will rise at whatever costs. The age of maturity is fixed, but many are willing to take shortcuts. Potiphar’s house is also the place of testing. It’s the place where character formed in the plain gets passed through the crucible of testing. Joseph faced the ultimate test of character, of integrity and of trustworthiness in Potiphar’s house. The catch phrase, rings as powerful now as it did then – ” Lie with me!” These are not the pleading words of a crushed teenager, nor are the the alluring words of a neighborhood harlot, they are the words of his master’s wife, the where words from the only part of his master’s kingdom he didn’t have to be the master. “Lie with me!” Those words still ring as irresistible now as they did then. I know many who are willing to do anything to get to the top, lie with me is the easiest of the options. Joseph did not refuse, he ran. He did not try to debate, he fled. “Lie with me!, we hear it everyday, most times unsaid. “Lie with me!”, a test every achiever must face and overcome. “Lie with me!”, would you? “How can I do such wickedness and sin against God and my master” – Joseph responds. Potiphar’s house provides the possibility of what looks like the dream, but it’s not the dream. Potiphar’s house is the place where many rise and die. Potiphar’s house is a place where you are seen as a champion to the other slaves, it’s the place where your glory is sang, but only in closed quarters.

Having risen till now, and passed the test of Integrity, one will think it was time for God to promote, but not quite. The journey up, always starts down, Joseph was thrown without offense into prison. When you leave Potiphar’s house on the high marks of integrity, your next experience is likely to be the Prison.


To be continued…

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