Three workers who were seeing doing similar things at a construction site, were approached with the question “what are you doing here?” The first responded, “I am a brick layer, I’m simply here to lay the bricks”, the second, seperately approached answered, “I’m here to build a house – see, here is the kitchen, here is the bedroom, on that spot will be the living room…”, and he went on and on. The third worker was also approached and gave an answer that will form a foundation of what we want to take a closer look at, and ponder on.
He responded, “I’m here to provide a home for orphans”. Same job, different perspectives. Who do you think will do the best job? Why?
A similar occurrence happened when a cleaner at NASA was once approached with the question above – What are you doing here? Without batting an eyelid, he responded, “My work is to help put a man on the moon.” Well that says a lot about the cleaner doesn’t it? But it says a lot more about the company, it is a company worth emulating that is able to distill it’s mission into the psychie of it’s employees.
One very crucial aspect of culture branding is distilling the company’s mission into the employees psychie. Whoever you are, you desire to do work that is meaningful. You desire to be a part of a noble course. Work is not interesting if it is all about crunching numbers or sounding nice. Every worthwhile company must enable it’s employees to give the minimum of the NASA cleaners response. A response that sees the total picture! At best, you must be able to answer like the 3rd person at the construction site, a response that understands the deep mission of the organization that you are working for.
So, what are you doing here? What is the effect of your work? Are you for the common good? Or does the result of your work minimize life, happiness or fulfillment for some others. Don’t decieve yourself, think about it. Every company has a mission! In case you are in doubt, I have a list of missions here for you to peruse, these companies stand for these things.
Walt Disney: To make people happy
Wal-Mart: To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich folk
3M: To solve unsolved problems innovatively
Merck: To preserve and improve human life
What are you doing there? You need to look at your work for it’s lenght and breath. Does your work ultimately add value or does it remove value? Are you a bricklayer, a house builder or a home provider? Are you a cleaner or are you helping to put a man on the moon? Are you a cashier or are you helping to make life easier for people? What is your job? What are you doing?
I think it is a good company that gives it’s people a sense of being a part of a bigger picture, and it is a great company that makes them believe they are part of a noble course. How does your company make you feel? How do you make your employees feel?
Seen the New Segment : Emotional Recharge