Study the things that brought you pain but didn’t kill you, those are the same things positioned to give you the highest rewards.
Take inventory of your challenges, account for your sources of worry and head aches. The same things that gave you sleepless nights will usher you into endless bliss. Trials and tests come your way to prepare you for the exams of life. That challenge that didn’t kill you made you stronger and positioned to win if you try again more intelligently.
In reviewing my pains, troubles failures and challenges, I can see the refiners fire, making me better! In all the places where I have had the highest trepidation and experienced worrisome palpitations, I have experienced great gain.
As you review your pains and challenges today, may you find the wisdom to succeed where you have failed before. May you also find the courage to simply “try again”.
If you sincerely need help, you know where to find me.