- Am I a devoted slave of Jesus Christ? Shouldn’t I be, if paul was? Rom 1:1
- Did I receive a generous gift of life from God? Did I also receive an urgent task of passing it on to others? Am I living like this? Rom 1:5
- Am I worshiping and serving God by spreading the goodnews? Or do I have something else I call worship? Rom 1:9-10
- Is there anybody I’m excited to watch grow stronger right before my eyes? Someone I want to impact and have the pleasure of listening to as well? Do I have someone I’m discipling? Rom 1:12
- Do I feel a sense of interdependence and obligation to preach the gospel? Do I feel this is a debt I owe to all? Rom 1:15
- Am I proud of the Gospel of Christ? Or am I ashamed of it? Do I live like the Gospel is the power of God to save everyone who believes? Do I see it as God’s plan to rescue all who trust Him?
- Do I realize that people who don’t know God are ignorant about life? Do I really realize that operating without a consciousness of God makes my life trivial? Rom 1:22
- Am I pointing critical fingers at others when I myself haven’t done what I ought to do? Am I not condemning myself by condemning others? Rom 2:1-2
- Am I working on God’s side? Where I can benefit from real life? Or am I insisting to get my own way which leads to fire? Rom 2:8
- Am I doing? Or am I hearing only? It’s doing that makes a difference with God. Rom 2:13.
- Am I doing what I am asking others to do? Don’t hide behind eloquent talk, do what need to be done. Rom 2:22,23
- Do I really realize that my involvement in God’s revelation doesn’t put me right with God? The fact that He told me does not make me better. It forces me to also be a doer. Rom 3:20.
- Am I living in the reality that God is the one living the victorious life for me? Not myself? Rom 3:22,23
- Do I understand that having faith in Jesus clears me of sin? It does. Rom 3: 25-26
- Have I entered into what God is doing? Or am I still trying to modify what I’m doing? Rom 3:31
- Am I trusting God to set me right? Or am I trying hard by myself? Rom 4:3
- Am I a son of Abraham? Or am I looking for a way to be right with God by my activities? Rom 4:12 Am I saved by God’s decision or by my efforts? Have I accepted that setting right done by Christ for me? Rom 4.
- Do I really realize the risk that Jesus took in dying for us while we were of no value to him? Do I realize that haven been reconciled, we shall be saved by his life? Rom 5
- Have I truly been baptized as is described in Rom 6? Am I dead to who I was and now alive in Christ? Rom 6:3-5
- Is this my reality? Dead to sin, alive to God! Do I still give sin a vote? Am I employable by sin? Am I fully engaged in God’s will?
- Who am I offering myself to? Sin or Righteousness? Those who don’t disciple get employed by self and sin. Rom 6.