We may look at it and it may not look like a big deal to us, but it’s a BIG deal. Being independent in 1960 means we inspired Martin Luther King Jnr. While we were free here in Nigeria, Black American’s in America were not free. Martin Luther King Jr will give his popular speech I have a dream on the 28th of August 1963.
It means that for 60 years, we have had the opportunity to stand as equals with other nations of the world and defend our rights to govern ourselves. You may wonder what the dividends of that independence is, and I will tell you that we spend too much time looking at what we don’t have, that we miss what we do have.
It may not seem a big deal to you, but I can pick out a Nigerian from any line up of blacks anywhere in the world with a 90% success chance. You know why? We are indomitable! We have a free spirit that has had 60 years of freedom, and a confidence and intelligence that is unlike anywhere else in the world.
Yes, we are far from perfect and we have our obvious challenges, but I will never exchange the freedom Nigeria enjoys for the luxury of a working South Africa with the baggage of what apartheid did to the spirit of the average South African. Don’t get me wrong there are people who have learnt to live above the subjugation and dominance of the race, but it’s been tough.
The Nigerian is an intellectual threat in any university in the world. We adapt and top classes around the world in almost every sphere. If all Nigerians in diaspora who went to school and topped their class share this post, Facebook admin will crawl this page for “what happened?”. I can fondly recollect a colleague of mine who I had the privilege of helping with tutorials in Nigeria who was able to travel abroad to the US in our part 3 – Segun Olaiya. He was so excited to talk to me when we were able to connect. I can never forget his remarks – “Ah Deolu, they are calling me genius here, ah, me genius, I have told them they don’t know genius oo, If I’m genius, then we have too many geniuses in Nigeria”. This is not strange at all, this is normal.
The Nigerian is a business threat all over Africa. Yes, some bad boys spoil our name in engaging in different things without values. For every 1 bad egg you will find however, there are 10 silent great eggs, leading in one hospital, littered over the corporate landscape and others doing quiet legitimate businesses.
The Nigerian man is a threat to foreign men of African descent and gradually anywhere in the world. There is this myth about our sexuality that makes a few African countries go all out to protect their women. Nigerian men are averagely generous, courteous and … they know the Herbals (Rida Fire) that allow them to make up if they are not already up. Let me leave the men oo.… lol
The Nigerian women are fashionistas by default. The colour matching that the average babe does, is the stuff of runways. The inner glow and inner strength in the Nigerian woman are legendary. A shout out to many raised in families but really raised by women, a shout out to women who made the home when the husbands decided to be merely sperm donors.
The Nigerian diversity is amazing. If America derives its strength from its diversity, then what lies as potential in Nigeria is mind-blowing. Those who don’t understand the medici effect seek to stray us into breaking up to pursue useless agendas. We know where our strength lies, and we know that before we can enjoy the rich productivity of interdependence, we must first enjoy our regional independence. In the words of Stephen Covey – Interdependence is a decision that only the independent can have.
Nigerians are all over the world, any country that we don’t exist in, can’t support human life. The exodus from Nigeria is daily, but it’s not a bad thing. Every nation that is built to last was forged by those who stayed and those who left. Israel is a model nation; some were carried to Babylon and a remnant stayed. Both parties will play their roles in Israel’s future. No shaking Nigeria, at home or abroad, our nation is not a geographical expression! Nay, our nation is a culture and is rich in diversity.
Today, I want to join the club of those who choose to see the good in Nigeria and not the bad. We will fix Nigeria, in my lifetime we will. We already started! We are celebrating 60 years of independence today and looking forward to celebrating our first year of legislated interdependence soon enough.
I belong to a community of people who are proudly Nigerian and are from inside and outside Nigeria creating value in Nigeria and collaborating with Nigerians in diaspora to serve this same value to the world. We are a Green Community; we enjoy The Green Mondays and we offer the best of Nigeria to the World.
5 thoughts on “Nigeria is 60 years Independent!”
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