The BIT Session and NNC Launch in the UK went well. It was refreshing to see people outside the shores of Nigeria benefiting from what is going on back home – we had fun, laughed out loudly, and shared wealth creating opportunities that are currently open to NNC members. Being in the UK has also provided it’s own set of learning opportunities, I’m getting to better understand the system here – transport and financial. How things work, what works, what doesn’t, and the best ways to make the most of this environment. Having said that, I’ll be coming back to the UK for another BIT session on the 27th of September, 2008. And thought the first was good, the second is going to be better!
While I was in the airport in Nigeria, I got a brainwave I have been nursing since then. With every passing day, the idea has developed a little more flesh and a little more flesh. Right now, I believe I have a great idea, that will put smiles on the faces of thousands of Nigerians, and the Nation at large. The idea is hot and sizzling, and you can’t afford not to be part of the first set of people to hear it. One thing I can guarantee though is that no one present for this meeting will regret it, in fact, many will be forever grateful they made the date.
I’m sure you are wondering… don’t wonder, come for Nigeria’s first ever Bloggers Conference, and get to see how we together establish the Nigerian bloggers industry and make it profitable. Blogging is very important, for many reasons. It makes us have more non yahoo-yahoo presence online, it gives us an opportunity to own the online media and develop it like Radio or TV. It gives us a platform to have a voice, to take on advertising opportunities and do everything that current media channels do. There is a lot of untapped potentials in blogging, and as you all know, no man lifts a heavy load on his head with just one hand, and a broom bunch is harder to break than a broom stick. We have a great chance if we come together!
For this reason, we’ll be having two Nigeria Bloggers Conferences. One will be in Nigeria and the other will be in the UK. The certain date for Nigeria is Sunday September 21, 2008 – The tentative venue is Sheraton Hotel Ikeja Lagos. To confirm your membership for this event please click here and register. The other UK event will tentatively be on Sunday, the 28th of September, 2008 in London, venue TBD. The timing and venue for the UK event is tentative, and dependent on how much interest we are able to curry before this date. I will be in the UK for BIT on the 27th of September though, so it’s very very arrangeable. If you are interested in attending a UK one, please comment here or send me a mail.
The objective of this meetings will be to launch a Blogging Industry and to empower Nigerian bloggers. If Nigeria will indeed by the most desirable nation on earth in 17yrs, then our writers and media better be creating those possibilities. We’ll be agreeing standards, defining basic advertisement prices, blogger fees, recognition, carnivals e.t.c. I’m sure there is a lot I haven’t even thought about already, it will be great to push them across as further suggestions for meeting agenda, you can also suggest speakers – We’ll get them, we have some already. At the end of this meeting, we’ll get to know ourselves, create a super network, and get to hear first hand about an opportunity that greatly empowers any blogger or blogger wannabe. If you have ever thought about owning your own website and have postponed it till today, this meeting is a must attend for you!
Those who can read the signs of the times, know that something is going on underground in Nigeria. It might not appear like it on the surface, but the signs show that change is here. The foundations are being laid, not by the government, oh no! Those that seek salvation from the government, beware, do not be caught off guard like those who sought for a Messiah with military power and capable of leading the Jews against Roman power. The change we seek will not arise from government. It will arise on the demand of the coming together of individuals. People are at the heart of every reformation, people. Not government, not politicians, people, you and I – mere citizens.
The first occurrence in the process of creation is the saying of words that will lead to change. The entirety of creation started, with God said, and when he said it, it was written! Let’s come together, and create!