You can register for the Mentorship Session here, it’s still going for this first set FREE.
I have been running this mentorship session for 4 years, and looking through the feedback over the years humbles me. Of over 100 feedback comments, there are so many I can’t even share publicly. Here are a few to give you an idea of the quality of this mentorship sessions and academy. Enrol, it doesn’t matter if you are in A2W or not, better your life!
Here are a few of the feedbacks from participants
I have been looking for an opportunity to do this – commenting, and I thank God it came today. Ever since your first visit to Port Harcourt, I have seen you as a great leader, a leader that has his followers in mind. A leader that gives a lot to see people’s success i.e give your finance, time, energy and everything possible to make others succeed. Thank you and God bless you and keep you fit. Amen. Ako F.
The youth of this nation need more light producers like you. You came to move me into new financial realities I never knew existed. Thank you. I promise you’ll hear from me at the top. Pastor Yemi
My Own Chairman,
I wonder why they are yet to attach “Prof” to your name (lol). You are reservoir of knowledge and I’m greatly inspired by your humility. Your openness to others is simply amazing. I am awed by the fact that you are so open to learning irrespective of who the knowledge proceeds from. In my world, “U r the best!. I’m so grateful that destiny made our paths cross and I know it is a privilege from God. Thank you for Everything. Burxy.
You have equipped me with tools an techniques for a successful livelihood. Your sacrifices for human upliftment will be counted for you. It will even go down as a blessing for your generations to come. Alali K. B.
Honestly, I can’t quantify the qualities I found in you. You are such a builder, building and empowering people, spiritually, financially and even knowledge wise. I thank God for who you are, and nice learning from you. I will be calling you because I really want to be like you and even better – Kizito
Thank you very much for this opportunity. For the mentoring, the vision, the time and giving your all. God bless you. I couldn’t have gotten something better elsewhere. Oluwatosin A.
I want to bless the womb that gave birth to you, you are such a wonderful and inspirational man. I thank God I passed through this academy, it has changed my view about life and my situation. I know now that the sky is not my limit for me. I can do all things, and can change everything about me in a positive way. Mine is a Waoh experience. Kemi A.
I salute you. You are one unique young man with amiable qualities. You have qualities of a good and a true leader in you. Most humble , simple. I put you in my list of role models. Remain a good man that you are and a loving husband and daddy that I suppose you are . I’m glad I met you. I bless God for that day. Keep it up. Comforter G.
Sir, I must say you are the greatest man I have ever seen, met and known in my life. Than you sir. You are a great man that never get angry, every smiling, always happy and ready to help the people around you. I am so happy and will forever be grateful to you for helping me recognize myself, who I truly am, what I am made of, and how special I am as a human being. Thank you for every thing, for making me feel like a man and separating me from my counterpart at home and around me. You have made me a leader, a business man and most especially a king like king David. O. David.
Thank you for being there at this point of my life Kunle O.
Thank you for sharing with us from your enormous wealth of knowledge. You didn’t have to, but you took it upon yourself to make us better people. I thank you for being committed to this vision. God bless you, sir. Yemisi L.
Giving people’s lives a meaning should be your name. Thanks for all. Grace.
Waow, you were born to do this! I’ve learn a lot form you in short while than I have in my previous years. May this be the least level you’ll ever be in in life. You are a great teacher and leader, may God continue to bless you. Sandra A.
Reality is you have what it takes to change the world. It was splendid sharing moments with you. Thank you for impacting me and creating a new paradigm for me. John U.
I don’t know where exactly you are in your journey, but this is a booster! More information on course content is here. This is worth traveling for.
You can register for the Mentorship Session here, it’s still going for this first set FREE.