As I begin to write this post, as with most times, the thought of what to write is not completely clear to me. Usually, all I need to do before the thoughts begin to come together and align is start!
The light of the car traveling at night does not light the way totally to destination, it’s clear for about 200 meters at best, to journey forward, you must be willing to without total details, start first.
The biggest businesses in the world today, didn’t have a business plan that shows what they are doing today, no, their plans were not that detailed. They had a desired end in mind, and were will to modify along the way, but start first!
What you need for the coming season of your life is a compelling desired end, lofty and passion infusing dreams. A clear idea about your destination of greatness and freedom. Then, very importantly, you need a dose of courage, to ensure that even though it’s not all clear, you can start first, and then modify as you progress.
Don’t analyze and paralyze, start first!