Day 2 Lessons: Independence of the Seas
Day 2 was exciting! I got to see more of this amazing ship, got to meet a few more amazing people, had a great time at Bible Study. Started the day with a few mins at the Gym and ended the day with a Karaoke performance before a live multicultural audience. The day was full swing!
Lesson 1: Bodily Exercise
Bodily exercise profits little! That little is important; as the body is the interphase we have for living on the earth. Living healthy helps us live longer and more impactfully on this side of eternity. I was able to start the day with some healthy minutes in the gym. I used the cycle and ran on the treadmill. Destroyed 123 Calories! It was a great way to start the day, looking forward to doing 3 days a week as a return home.
Lesson 2: Eternity is what?
The highlight of day 2 for me was the 2 hrs. of fellowship we had together about 30 of us. In the chapel of light – Floor 14 of the ship. So at the upper room, we gathered together and delved into truth. It was a paradigm shifting experience as we burst the myths of the concept of heaven and eternity that the church has preached to be after death, while nobody in church wants to die to enter that eternity or heaven.
We were able to show from God’s word, that God’s eternal plan was Christ. That eternal life is in only one – Christ, and except we lose our lives, and cling on to that life, we have no hope in eternity. We were able to analyze the valuelessness of things in time. We were able to start a journey that should leave many going back to study their bibles. There are no mansions in heaven! Eternity does not begin after death! You can’t make heaven if you haven’t already made heaven! Let the reader dust their bibles, as many things you have heard and learnt is not accurate!
Jesus Christ is the life! He is the way! He is also the truth!
Lesson 3: Life under the 3 Deck
So this ship is 14 floors high, but the guests stay from Deck 4 up, and the gym and biggest restaurant is on Deck 11. The SPA on deck 12 and so on. On day 2, I got a glimpse of life under the 3 Deck.
This is where the 1,200 – 1,400 crew of this ship live and work! Most of them are onboard for 6 months straight, and then take 2-3 months off to be with their families. So from deck 3 downwards is a city, a community of people who live on water for 6 months straight in the year. It’s where they live, where they shop, where they retire to for the night. Contrary to my thoughts that this is a summer business, this ship works 365/24/7!
Lesson 4: The unseen that keeps the top going!
Many times you see the top of the ship! Where the crew lives is slightly below the water most times. But what keeps what you see above functioning, is what is hidden below! It hit me again afresh, don’t labour to be seen, work hard to take root. Once you take root and hit water and nutrients, you will shoot up! Don’t fall for the life of all show, build a strong foundation. The ship looks beautiful on the surface, but the workforce that keeps it on point lives below it.
The seen is sustained by the unseen. It’s a deeply spiritual principle. You don’t have to see God before you know He’s there. The fact that you can see all you can see is proof of all you can’t see. Think about it!
Lesson 5: A City on the Waters
It’s amazing isn’t it? The ship is really a city on water! It generates it’s own electricity and it’s 24/7. It makes it’s own water – takes the seawater and purifies it! There have been incidences of babies born in the ship – There is a hospital equipped with medical staff and facilities. There are restuarants, bars, clubs, theatre, recreation, entertainment; it’s a full city!
It’s like the airline business; only this is regularly on the move, docking for a few hours to board the next set of people who have queued to join the ship to different destinations all year round. While the “independence of the seas” is quite exotic and luxurious, there are newer ships. The Quantum for example has a 2 years queue behind it, meaning if you want to go on the Quantum you need to start planning for 2017/8 now! Next year, the Ship Company is launching 2 more ships – Anthem and another one. The queues are incredibly already building!
Lesson 6: The Kids are going!
Interacting with a few Nigerians I’m meeting onboard is making me realize more and more the change in the definition of the concepts of tribe! Some of these people have been out of Nigeria for as much as 2-3 decades. Their children have been born in America, lived in America and grown in America. They are getting married, and the definition of home is shifting! Gradually, anyone who can see head is seeing that the lines between tribes will ultimately blur. What will remain are the values of the kingdom. What will form tribes and family would be the kingdom we belong to, irrespective of tribe or tongue.
In that new reality? Which kingdom are you preparing your children for?
Lesson 7: More money than I thought
I did a calculation yesterday based on 90 days at sea! Well the ship doesn’t rest except it has a mechanical fix or its being serviced or maintained. This business is 365/24/7 and there are different ships serving different routes. The system of money collection on board is tight! Whoever designed this model is a genius. Except you have the discipline of Joseph, you’ll be spending more than you planned to on these cruises. Nothing on board requires cash! Everything is tied to your card, and that card is tied to your credit card or cash. So, you get to spend way in advance of spending in reality. I think it’s 2 sides of a coin – awesome and devilish
Lesson 8: Karaoke Night!
Yes, I decided to go for a Karaoke night, and not only watch but also sing! Yes, if we’ll ever be able to connect to others, we can’t be stuck up in any holier than thou space. We must be real and human! The evil and unbiblical creation of distinction between clergy and laity has created plastic saints. Pastors who live in a world of their own, untouched by reality, and congregants who see the Pastor as the representation of Christ and unattainable – an antichrist concept. The son of man came eating and drinking and the world called him a glutton, a winebibber and a friend of sinners! The goal of all engagement must be to make friends of others, and connect them with Jesus! The video of the rendition would soon be in the public space…lol. Watch out!
Day 2 was a blast!