Faith for Naming and Claiming Things!

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Deolu Akinyemi


Faith for things is unbiblical and heretic! The treatise on faith – Hebrews 11 speaks volumes about faith, links faith all the way from Abel to Jesus, and speaks nothing of the hideous faith that this generation preaches, teaches and practices. The Bible is not a book of promises! It’s totally ungodly to dig in and fork out promises out of context! We have been led on that path by a wave of error, and Jesus Christ is coming back for His church, and faith needs to be restored!

Jesus’ question “When the son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” is now sounding quite rhetorical. Faith seems to have been redefined and true faith seems out of the earth today!

I challenge you to sit down and read the books of Hebrews 11 and 12. Read it, asking the Holy Spirit for interpretation. Ask – According to the scriptures, what is faith? Tell me if anything from the name it and claim it philosophy shows up.
Before you feel I’m trying to condemn you, your pastor and your pastors pastor! Not so fast, I am not guiltless myself. I have had close to 2 decades of naming it and claiming it. I even have a bible personalized in my name, with all the promises reading Adeolu Akinyemi instead of “you”. I was deceived by the “word of faith for selfish pursuits” movement. Our faith is meant to be used to collaborate with God to execute his will, not run our own things fueled by Greed and the worlds wanting and wanting methods.

If you read carefully, you will observe that the object of faith is for God’s will and promise to be realized. The end of all faith and the author or all faith is Jesus Christ. If your faith does not result into God’s promise and will being done, then it’s not faith. Faith is never about getting what you want; it’s never about using a tool to obtain from God! Faith is the protocol that heaven understands; it’s the language of relating with the invisible. The author of the desires that faith makes real is God! Sometimes faith makes you abandon a great life for one that looks like you’ve been jinxed! Ask Moses about the faith that made him leave the palace and prefer rather to become a slave! Sometimes faith makes you believe God for something 13 years ago, and go full cycle today. As Abraham how he received God’s promise Abraham by faith, and how that same faith made him willing to knife in hand murder and smoke him up to high heavens!

The selfish mind cannot understand faith. Using faith for personal agenda is pure New Age, it’s inconsistent with scriptures, it’s a few verses taken out of content and beefed up to hold down a philosophy that is contrary to Christ and the Cross! The God of the faith for name it and claim it is the belly. It’s motivated by human desires.

Having faith for a house, a car, a new job, an admission e.t.c. has done more damage to the Christian faith than most other heresies. The object of faith is Jesus Christ. Read Hebrews 11:13-16 also read vs 39 and 40. All the heroes of faith had their eyes on Jesus and the resurrection from the dead into eternal life. Their faith though wholesome did not get the promise, they saw it from afar, we who are of the generation of those who should understand faith having come into contact with the resurrected Messiah now sound lost.

Each one of these people of faith died not yet having in hand what was promised, but still believing. How did they do it? They saw it way off in the distance, waved their greeting, and accepted the fact that they were transients in this world. People who live this way make it plain that they are looking for their true home. If they were homesick for the old country, they could have gone back any time they wanted. But they were after a far better country than that—heaven country. You can see why God is so proud of them, and has a City waiting for them.

Faith is a protocol used in achieving what God is doing in the midst of the earth. The end of all faith activities leads to and connects to the Work of the father in Christ Jesus! Abraham did not sleep with Hagar by faith to give birth to Ismael, for example. That was totally the manifestation of self help and personal agenda. What we give birth to by using positive thinking, affirmation and confession is not Isaac, it’s Ismael.

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