How to make workable resolutions.

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Deolu Akinyemi

It’s the beginning of the year, and it’s the time many people get known for their new year resolutions. No more drinking, smoking, womanizing and so on. People conciously wish to stop their vices, to leave a better life, to do things differently. Everybody desires to move forward in their careers, to enroll in more personal development opportunities, to reach more clients in their businesses, to increase and grow. Everybody desires a better year, and at this time, people begin the year by making new year resolutions.

The interesting anomally with these resolutions however is that they remain a hype until mid January when they all fall like a pack of cards and get forgotten. By February, most people return to their normal lifestyles, the resolutions are lost, and the motivation with which the year was started gone! In case you have wondered why, and how this can be stopped, keep reading.

Year in year out, resolutions fade unfulfilled, hopes are dashed, aspirations expire. Take time to understand the reasons and better position yourself. It takes an understanding of the past, to confront the future without making previous mistakes. Here are a few things you can do to ensure that your resolutions are workable.

1. Write them down – Many people merely think and talk about their new year resolutions, thoughts in the mind that are not clearly writen down are dreams without action plans. What gets measured is what gets done. When we write down our goals and visions, our chances of achieving them are multiplied by about 30. Don’t write them down on a sheet of paper that you’ll loose, write them in a journal that stays with you.

2. Don’t do too many things – I have listened to some people this year already, they want to do everything they didn’t achieve last year this year. The year is just a few hours old, and they are burdened with so much to do already. Don’t crowd your year, have 2-4 key priorities and deprioritize everything else.

3. Have a tracking system – Don’t just set goals and go to sleep, find a way of tracking your progress. If your resolutions is to read 12 books this year, it means you need to keep a record of how many books you read on a monthly basis.

4. Get an accountability partner – Get someone to track you on your goals. Send your written out plans to someone else, let this person be empowered to ask you questions and review this with you on a monthly to quarterly basis.

5. Let it not be all about you – Dedicate some of your time into helping other people succeed. A fulfilled life is that lived for others. Don’t let your resolutions be strictly about you, create opportunities to contribute to someone elses vision and dreams. Those who lift others up, can’t get pushed down. Set goals to help other people set and acheive their goals.

This year can be your best year till date, if you learn how to make your resolution workable. I have four key priorities this year, one of them is the magazine RECHARGE, and the others you’ll get to know as the year unfolds. You can make your resolutions workable by doing these things.

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