How a naughty girl became a hero by trusting in stories she had heard

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Deolu Akinyemi

There is no how bad your past has been that your future is irredeemable. There is nothing that you have done in your past that disqualifies you from God’s love. If you ever thought you were bad beyond repair, just read the story of Rahab, the harlot.

Rahab was a woman living in the city of Jericho, known for her reputation as a prostitute. Her lifestyle and profession were not respectable, and she was viewed with disdain by the people in her community. However, Rahab, by an act of great courage and faith, changed her story, changed her future, and is listed as one of God’s heroes of faith.

One day, Joshua and the Israelite army arrived at the gates of Jericho, intending to conquer the city. Rahab knew her city was doomed, and she saw an opportunity to save herself and her family. She welcomed the Israelite spies into her home, hiding them from the soldiers who were searching for them.

Rahab took a great risk by hiding the Israelite spies. She knew that if she was caught, she would be punished severely, but she believed that the God of Israel was more powerful than the gods of Jericho. She had heard stories of how this God had delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and parted the Red Sea for them to cross. She had also heard how this God had helped the Israelites defeat their enemies in battle. She believed that this God was the true God, and she was willing to put her trust in Him.

When the king of Jericho discovered that the Israelite spies were in Rahab’s house, he sent soldiers to capture them. Rahab helped the spies escape by lowering them down through a window in the wall of the city. Before they left, Rahab made them promise to spare her and her family when they conquered Jericho.

The Israelites marched around the city of Jericho for seven days, blowing their trumpets and shouting. On the seventh day, the walls of the city fell down, and the Israelites entered the city. They spared Rahab and her family, just as they had promised.

Rahab’s story is a powerful reminder of God’s mercy and grace. Despite her past and her sinful lifestyle, God saw the faith and courage in her heart and saved her. He used her to help the Israelite spies and to bring about the downfall of the city of Jericho. He also honored her faith by including her in the lineage of Jesus Christ and the roll call of faith in Hebrews chapter 11. Rahab’s story shows that no matter how bad our past may be, we can trust God’s mercy and grace to save us. We need only to put our faith in Him and trust that He will keep His promises.

Don’t ever think you are too bad for God to redeem. Your past has nothing on your future!

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