Do You Have Dreams?

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Deolu Akinyemi

{Sightseeing should start tomorrow. You can keep up with the interesting things in Egypt as I try to give daily updates on my twitter section here or on facebook. Should see the pyramids closely tommorrow, then go for a 3 days cruise on the Nile. Tomorrow, I might be interviewing an inspirational South African Lady I met here… just thinking out loud :))

We all grew up as young children full of dreams. We wanted to become this, to have that, and to go everywhere. When we saw an aircraft on TV, we wanted one, when we saw a big house, we dreamt we would own it, we even fantasised about the definition of beauty that the media had sold to us. If every anything we were dreamers, our imaginations ran ahead of our realities, we wanted more from life than mere existence. We had big dreams, and somehow in our minds, we were unstoppable.  As a child, I can’t remember ever worrying about how I was going to ever study Aeronautics Engineering.

As we grow up however, our dreams grow with us, but somewhere along the line, many of us lose the youthfulness to dream. We are so caught up in waking up early, spending quality time in traffic, coming back late, that we have lost our dreams. We have become realists, we face the facts rather than the possibilities, we live the lives of drugged zombies, repeating the same routine day in day out, and hoping for the “one day”. If it is true, that repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity, then we might indeed need to submit ourselves to some counselling. Some of us however have dreams, we still nurse them, we still hold them dear and are working towards them.

The question for you today is “What is your dream?” What is the compelling reason that motivates you to action? I watched a video presentation yesterday that inspired me and there was something the speaker said that really really got my attention.  He said, and I phrase in my own words, “A business opportunity is like a Ferrari, it’s a lovely car. We might however spend undue time looking at it and touching it. If you don’t know where you are going however, any car is useless.”

Nothing happens unless first we dream – Carl Sandburg

Does it not seem interesting to you, that many of us have entered different CAReerS without setting our destination?  Many of us got into many even good pipe building systems without any dreams. I’m not asking about hazy thoughts of wanting a better life, I’m asking for concrete and specific desires that are tangible and documented. This may sound funny, but if you think about it,  you’ll possibly arrive at the same conclusion with me – If you don’t have a dream for anything, you will not excel at anything. It’s not the quality of the car that matters, or the potentials or capacity of the same. What matters is, do you know where you are going? Speed only makes sense when direction is clear. 

A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness.- Zadok Rabinowitz

Before you involve yourself in any business – franchising, network marketing, direct selling, first of all identify with your dream. Write it down, then break it down. What milestones do you want to achieve, what things do you want, and who do you want to become? If the dream is not compelling, then there is no motivation. The people that succeed the most in any business opportunity, are the ones with strong reasons and clearly expressed dreams. The reciepy for getting tired, frustrated or bored is not to have something to look forward to. 

Two people with equal talent but with different dreams will arive at different destinations. When you see a man or woman that has a compelling reason, the passion, the excitement and a positive mental attitude become addons. When you see another complaining and acting powerless to do anything, it’s easy to conclude that there is either no dream, or the one he or she has is sketchy at best. Dreams are basic, some call it goals others vision. Don’t board any vehicle, without clarifying where you are going! I can almost guarantee ultimate failure,  in whatever venture you go into without clarity about your dreams.  In the same breath, I can almost guarantee success however, if you have a dream even if you neither have talent nor gold. 

“Dreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.” – Unknown

“Your dream is something you want, that you are willing to pay any price to achieve it. It’s something that lingers in your mind, something that can compel you to action”. Most times it’s not as if we don’t habour these thoughts once in a while, we only sometimes stop believing. 

Do you have dreams? Do you want to see the world? Do you want to build you own house? Do you want to buy that car?Do you want to buy your own house? Do you want your kids in the best schools? Do you want to go on vacation thrice a year? Do you want to be a global player? Will you reach a million people? Will you win awards?  Do you want a golf course? Do you want to be Governor? Do you want an orphanage? Do you want an island? Do you have anything you are living for? What are your dreams?  The first thing we do during cashflow 101 is chose our dreams.  Take these thoughts, and document them. Keep a copy in your wallet, keep a copy in your room, keep it on your laptop. Give a copy to your mentor, send me one too if you think I can hold you accountable, make sure you see it daily! If your dream is not real to you, clear to you, and around you, it’s not likely going to happen.

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.- Goethe

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