Abuja, Here I Come!

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Deolu Akinyemi

Many times I have organized programs in Lagos and have gotten quite a number of comments from Abuja with the question, when will you come to Abuja? When will you bring these things to Abuja? I’m usually stopped in my tracks as I really cannot answer when I would come to Abuja long enough to achieve anything significant. Tomorrow however, I will be coming over to Abuja and staying in Abuja for 4 uninterrupted days!

The central activity bringing me to Abuja is an opportunity to minister at the Good Tidings Bible Church at 5:30pm on Wednessday the 13th of May, 2009.  My topic is Entrepreneurship, and my objective is to inspire the young people to see  a desirable future,  take action and better their lives and their communities.  The venue of this presentation is:  Good Tidings Bible Church International,Kingdom Centre Plot 125 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Way, After Julius Berger Headquarters, Utako, Abuja.

I will however be available before the program and after the program. I will be reachable on 08074444074 and via email {deolu@deoluakinyemi.com} in Abuja from Wednesday morning. I’ll be enlisting as many as many as are interested in pipe building. I will also be looking at the possibility of creating leaders in the opportunities I am driving so that growth can continue when I leave. I and my team will also be meeting with a number of Government officials about the New Nigeria Club, the future movement and some of our collaborative projects.

There is another seminar holding on Thursday evening that I need to confirm to you as well.  As soon as I get the details it will be here and on my facebook page as well. I’ll be in Abuja together with 5 Colleagues, it’s serious business. If we can assemble a billionaires in training session, we’ll run it in one of the days as well. Outside of the two seminars, I and my team will be meeting with people one on one to share a number of interesting opportunities.

There are a set of people I’ll like to see.

1. People who had always wanted us to meet but have had distance as a problem

2. People who are intersted in Financial freedom and havent figured out how they want to achieve it.

3. People that are dissatisfied with their current levels and are eager for change

4. People that want to quit their jobs and take calculated risks and need guidance

5. People who want to increase their network and have a point of contact in other states

6. Connected people who are looking for opportunities to converty their social capital into real capital

7. People who are Job hunting and have clarity about what they want to achieve.

If you fall into any of these categories, or you know anyone that does, then you can book an appointment to see me by sending me a mail or an sms. Owerri, Porthaccourt, I am warming up!

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