When Do You Intend to Suffer?

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Deolu Akinyemi


To be without a Job is inevitable! You will not be gainfully employed till you die! Even if you refuse to fire your boss, your boss will fire you at some point. If you are lucky or unfortunate enough to have a job till you are 65, that is when you will learn how to take care of yourself and fend for yourself without commensurate allowance at 65.

The seasons of life are unavoidable, they will come as surely as the sun rises with the day! There is going to be a dark patch at some point, you need to chose when that dark hour will be and prepare adequately for it.

“I’m afraid to leave my Job now, because I don’t want to suffer”, well, you either leave it now and suffer early when you won’t feel it much or wait for any of the other bus-stops in between now and 65yrs of age! “What can I do to ensure I don’t experience any suffering?” Ensure you develop a philosophy of training and testing, teach your spouse Godliness and Contentment, learn to abase and abound, make up your mind not to measure your life by things! If your mind is riveted on things, and you do not learn to abase and be content, you will surely suffer! “This can be all correct, did you suffer?” No I didn’t suffer! I was married with a child when I had my darkest patch, we kept each other warm! We learnt to plan our meals around a few thousands per month, learnt to be comfortable with little, learnt to take loans and return them, learnt to start from zero and keep building the invisible. It was like it took forever, but it was fun and so felt short. I would not want to have the experience I had in my 60’s.

There is a learning curve for any new discipline or trade, and in that time of learning, you are bound to lose some money. Prepare for that reality. In case you are wondering – “what if I never change disciplines, shouldn’t my gratuity and pension be enough to carry me?” – Well historically, No! There is a 30% of society that are free of retirement worries – 24 out of the 30% are dead, 5 out of the remaining 6% are still actively running businesses and only a fraction of 1% can be said to be satisfied with their retirement bonuses and they are mostly Managing Director level employees.

Don’t postpone your suffering to when it will hurt most. If it’s ever on your mind to become an entrepreneur on day, it’s better to bite the bullet earlier than later. Before you bite the bullet though, consider the following. Before you lose your job and Before You quit your Job.

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Are you earning enough passively to take care of your living expenses

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