The Lunch Date

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Deolu Akinyemi

Lunch Date
Lunch Date

There is so much personal development material on the street of daily activity, that it takes not wanting to consciously learn not to grow. In the last few days, I’ve come to see two interesting sides of a coin. That associations can bring good, and they can bring bad. That common meetings with other mortals, or access to the mind of great men via their books, are some of the most life changing events on this planet.

I learnt, that once upon a time, there was a young lawyer who sought help from an older lawyer. The young lawyer was finding it hard to practice litigation, he had no clients, and it wasn’t looking like there was light at the end of his tunnel. The old lawyer had gone through this time as well, but now was a big time popular lawyer who made lots of money from big cases. He begged the big lawyer to give him his small briefs, so at least he also could have some crumbs that fall off the big table. The old lawyer informed him, that there was no small brief – lawyers only know the beginning of a brief, no one knows how big the brief would be. The young lawyer was disappointed that the old lawyer was not helpful, and turned to leave. The old lawyer however stopped him and told him that even though he could give him nothing, he was willing to have lunch date with him at a future date, but would like them to stroll together from his office down about 2km to where they would eat lunch. The young lawyer felt a bit insulted that all he was going to get was lunch, but reluctantly agreed. The set day came and they had the long walk to lunch. 2-3months after this lunch he started getting calls, briefs, and business. His fortune changed and he was so excited, he had a party, and invited the big lawyer to come and see how well he’s doing, even without his help.

It turned out at the party, that all the new clients he now had, were friends of the old lawyer who had seen him strolling along the long road with the old lawyer. His association with the wise had confered on him the opportunities of the wise. They had patronized him because they felt, he’ll be cheaper, but he has the right relationships to know the right things. Like the holy book says, he that works with the wise, will be wise, and a companion of fools will be destroyed.

Good friends bring about good opportunities, bad habits call bad habits. I remember how shocked I was in Ife, to hear that there was a new phenomenum called yahoo plus. I wondered what it was, so I asked. I learnt that online scam had stepped up into a new level, people had left the electronic and they had now gone spiritual. Yahoo plus, is wealth by spiritual commitments. I hear it’s so bad in some of our higher institutions now that it’s alarming. In case you are wondering what kind of spiritual commitment – imagine a student, going to meet a traditionalist to give him the power to get wealth. I hear they engage in very funny and obsene things, like digging out dead bodies, sleeping in their place, taking their baths there and going to give the water to the baba. I hear some enter into covenants with their girlfriends towards marriage, while the girlfriend takes the soul plunge on behalf of the family, the baba seals it up with rules and regulations. Our young people are selling their souls to the devil in wholesale! I was so shocked I refused to believe it, until my informat provided me with tangible evidence of people that were popularly known with yahoo plus. This must be a movie, not reality I said, but I hear right now, there are efforts to fence some graveyards in one of the schools now, because it’s no longer a random event. How did things get that bad? Let me show you. They started with yahoo yahoo… making money online by lying and dubious means. They got used to free money, and now that their yahoo yahoo is not getting quick enough results, that association has made them condescend to a yahoo plus. I don’t know how these two methods relate, but they have found the association. In the quest for personalized ATM machines in their bedrooms, some peoples children have literally died, while some have entered a covenant with the prince of this world.

They who have ears hear, the company you keep, will make you or mar you. How far you go, will drag you deeper or pull you higher. New people are at the visinity of every vissisitude. One good enterpise can open you up to bigger opportunities, and one bad habit can drag you to the pits! Who are you associating with today? What are you doing today? Where does that road lead?

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