This is one book of the Bible I feel a need to memorize. Oh I want to memorize the entire Bible if I can, Colossians however seems to be so needed in the world today! I wish I can just take one theme and write, but I fear I may rob someone of an opportunity to see the panorama and dive in and take a drink.
- Timothy is now a friend! Who are you growing into friendship by discipleship? Who is your Paul, and who is your timothy! Don’t miss it, those who don’t disciple others are not Christ’s disciples. You can’t be a Christian if you are not a disciple. I’m am sorry.
- The Colossian church like the Philippian church have been hungry for more of God from the day they heard. A lot about your salvation has to do with the gospel you heard at inception. If your appetite for God’s word is non-existent, and your quest to share the gospel shallow, don’t kid yourself, you haven’t yet heard the gospel. There are so many brands of gospels out there that don’t represent Christ. “If you accept Jesus you will prosper” is not the gospel of Christ, it’s the gospel of prosper!
- If you want to pray for a disciple, here are sample things to pray for – Wise minds, Spirits attuned to God’s will – hence an acquisition of understand about the way God works. Pray that they’ll live well for the master and make the master Jesus proud. Pray that as they learn how God works, they’ll learn to do their work. Pray that they have strength to stick it out over the long haul.
- Everything got started in Christ and finds it’s purpose in Him. He is the express image of God, He was who we were planned to be like from our making in Genesis. He organizes and holds the Church together like a head holds the body. Everything of God finds it’s proper place in Christ. How can anything distract us from so great a heritage? We were reconciled in Christ, His dying for us gave us access, we must stay constantly tuned in the the message and careful not to distracted or diverted.
- It’s always a great opportunity to participate in Christ’s suffering. Paul calls it a sheer gift!
- There is a mystery in the Gospel. That mystery is that not only are we in Christ, Christ is in us, and that gives us hope to share in God’s glory. The Message is Christ, nothing to be added! No other end! The purpose of the gospel is to present every man mature and maturity is simply Christ. No more, no less. This is the work God does in us by the energy of grace he graciously gives.
- It is in Christ that we have access to the greatest treasure of wisdom and knowledge. Don’t let anyone turn you aside to any other mystery or secret. All the mysteries and secrets are revealed in Christ Jesus alone. You have received Christ Jesus, live in him! Don’t be turned aside by big words, intellectual razzle dazzle, empty traditions, or superstitions. Christ is full, and the universe is empty without Him. We are complete in Him! In Christ dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
- Not Legalism – Christ! You are an insider already, rules don’t make you an insider, Christ does! Don’t let anybody pressure you into dos and don’ts. The Substance is Christ. Let him have the reigns. His breath and blood should flow through us, as He’s the head and we are his body.
- Dos and don’ts have a way of making you look important. They look and sound impressive, keep your eyes and heart on Jesus. Let him be your treasure!
- Keep your eyes on Christ and what’s going on around Him. He is where the action is! Christ is your real life, live him! Don’t yield your members to their former employer flesh. Get the flesh killed – the good and bad flesh. Don’t let your life be shaped by things, let it be shaped by God!
- There is a code of Christ, there is a wardrobe God picked out for you, the clothes are compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, disciple, even tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive and above all love. Let the peace of Christ keep you in step with others, don’t do your own thing. Let the message of Christ be central and let it run things.
- Wives, Husbands, Masters, Children, Servants – Do everything as unto Christ. We are all accountable.
- Pray for utterance and for opportunities to tell the mystery of Christ. Use your head among outsiders, don’t miss a trick, use every opportunity to engage.
- Do you have names of people you can write like Paul? People whose names will be in the book of life if you were given a chapter to write? What are you doing in line with God’s basic task of discipleship?
Adeolu Akinyemi
WhatsApp: 08037228919
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