Confession: I am using something!

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Deolu Akinyemi


Many see someone doing well, and quickly believe there has got to be a secret. I mean, there must be something out of the ordinary that makes for extraordinary. Failure is easy to explain, but success, needs a justification. The guy must be using something.

I once heard a comment from one of my childhood friends indicating his firm belief that there was something mysterious about me. He went on to allude what it thought it was, something I find quite hilarious.

Well, I have never told anyone this before, so braze up for it. It is true, I am using something. 

What is the secret of my success so far? I put so far, because I’m far from where I am going, and the journey so far, is just so far. What am I using? Well, it’s the same thing that everyone who goes beyond ordinary uses. It’s not common, it’s not available in abundance, so few people ever get around to having it. It could sound quite simplistic to you, and you may not take it seriously, but it’s what all great people have in common. It’s no respecter of age, sex, creed, tribe or religion. It’s powerful and it’s amazing in it’s performance. It’s best gotten as a child, but even as an adult, it’s priceless. I hope I’m fanning the flames of your curiosity, at least a bit.

What I am using is a powerful, foolproof, life changing philosophy. That’s it, the secret is out! If you can get to understand and operate with the same philosophy I think and operate with, you will replicate everything I have done, and even more. More if you are better at executing the demands of this philosophy better than me. A philosophy in basic terms is the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group. What has shaped and continues to shape my life are my beliefs, concepts. principles and attitudes. All of life is about forming a perspective, a view point or a frame of reference to see the world. The best gift any father can leave his child or any leader it’s people is the opportunity of a powerful philosophy.

Jesus came to the world, to change the way the world thinks. We heard him say, “you have been told it’s like this, I am here to let you know, it’s not that way”. Jesus’ message was crystal – Repent! Change the way you are thinking, signup to a new and different philosophy and watch your life make more meaning in this world and in the hereafter.  In following Jesus, I have experienced first hand, a powerful life altering philosophy. It has the capacity to convert anybody to somebody in a matter of a few months.

How can you get this philosophy I got? It’s very simple. He that walks with the wise, shall himself be wise, but a companion of fools will be destroyed (Prov 13:20). I am available to train you on my philosophy if you are ready to learn. If you don’t get amazing results, I’ll give you a money bank guarantee.

If you are game, put your comments here and reach me.

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