In relating with other human beings, there are usually two obvious alternatives. Your way, or the other persons way. The third not usually obvious alternative is “our way”. It takes a lot of effort to find this third way, that leads to both our objectives, without excluding the other person. This way requires patience and consideration. It’s not the easy way, so it requires effort.
Taking the path of least resistance, they say, is what makes rivers and men crooked. It’s easier to insist “my way”, when we have control or the upper hand. It takes deliberate effort to seek for a mutual win. Don’t think too far, I mean in relating with your spouse, your child, your colleague, your subordinate, your cleaner, your house help. Do you seek the 3rd alternative?
There is a way that seems right, but ends in destruction. Narrow however is the way that leads to life. Don’t be in a hurry to have your way, pause think, genuinely put yourself in the other person’s shoes and ensure you both win.
You may wonder how this is financial. It’s easy, people who think and operate like this can’t be poor. For clarification, money is called currency, like electricity, it must flow. The only materials that allow it flow are conductors. If you are a conductor, electricity will flow through you, it’s that simple.
Adeolu Akinyemi
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