Are you Secure?

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Deolu Akinyemi

As the days go by, I am coming to discover more and more, that many Nigerians don’t feel secure in themselves. The way our system runs has so conditioned people’s minds that rather than have security in something within themselves, we have security in our employers. Most of the time it’s about what THEY have for US, when THEY train US, what THEY are willing to PAY us. All this might not sound bad to you until you take a closer look and see the realities of their implications.

First of all for example, the average Nigerian wants a job where he can guarantee his continued employment beyond a couple of years. You will not be comfortable for example working with a compnay if you were told that you have a 6 months contract. Most people will rather go for jobs where they are placed less and it’s permanent than more and it’s temporary. The poor fellow just doesn’t want to take chances, what if he finishes that one and gets nothing else. He’s not willing to take a bet on his talent, no way, can we blame him?

What is wrong with that? Yeah, it’s not apparent that there is something wrong with that. Even I that I’m writing it, am almost beginning to wonder if that’s not perfect, but I know it’s not. The growth of a human being has 3 stages. He/she is born dependent, grows to crave independence and with maturity he learns to be interdependent. Where we ought to be is not in a state where we are dependent on anything (employers, friends, communities, e.t.c). You should be able to build your talent to a point where you can bet on it. Like my people will say, if you are confident in your charms, you can boast about it. I used to marvel at how the western world was so comfortable with short term contracts, consultancy e.t.c. It’s interesting, but it’s driven by an outlook which is, if I see I need time to put things together in my life, I can leave this, do that and come back again later. Wow…what luxury, what power, what choice. You should build your life to interdependence, where you have by choice decided to be accountable to systems that themselves depend on you.

You might think that things are different in Nigeria, true! However the principles that govern the earth are not partial. Like Einstein said, “God does not throw dice”, gravity in the US is not more than that in Africa. The principles are true everywhere, that if you conciously grow your talent, your value appreciates and you gradually trade dependence for independence enroute interdependence.

How will you know when it’s time? You’ll know! You’ll doubt it, but you’ll feel the nudge. Like an eagle maturing enought to fly. When the winds blow, it feels it’s wings experiencing the uptrust.
…My battery low light just came on..I’ll need to complete this later…I have some personal examples….Adeolu Akinyemi

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