Things To Do If You Want Your Marriage To Last

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Deolu Akinyemi

Marriages are under undue stress these days due to a number of issues. There are many trending videos saying that marriage is a scam, and there are many newly married couples that didn’t even last one year before they ended it. Lately, I heard about an eighty-five-year-old man whose wife eventually decided to leave him – clearly, enduring the marriage because of the children is still a thing in some climes. Divorce is becoming more common than it has ever been. What do you think is going on?

What is going on is that the world, the evolution of technology, is helping people to become less social, less considerate of others, and more selfish. No truer words were ever uttered about the future we now find ourselves in than the one spoken thus – “In the last days, men shall become lovers of themselves” – Jesus. People are so self-absorbed these days that the marriage institution is taking a hit. In the midst of all of these, however, there are practical things you can do to ensure your own marriage lasts.

Here are a few things you can start working on

  1. Schedule a time to catch up! One of the biggest issues that fragment marriages is communication. The moment each partner is not seeking to understand, it’s one of the first signs of an imminent end. Couples don’t have time for each other because they sleep on the same bed, they continue to sleep on the same bed because they made time out for each other. Ensuring that communication lines are open is one key factor to making your marriage last. Evaluate the communication between you and your spouse, if it’s getting faulty, make fixing it an emergency.
  2. Start operating Joint accounting! Financial issues top the list of what makes families break up. Don’t have his money and her money, deliberately decide to use finance to bond your family. Invest in both of you becoming knowledgeable about financial intelligence and working out your goals and plans together. Yes, you can ensure you each have allowances for personal things but do the maths together. This financial mathematics, when done right, can add flavour to your other room.
  3. Ensure you are growing together and heading in the same direction. This will not happen if it’s not deliberate, as couples usually have different tendencies. You need to be intentional that you watch movies together, play together and grow together. This will make you have multiple touchpoints and make it easy for you to complete each other’s sentences. Many couples grow apart and become incompatible, it doesn’t happen in one day. It starts with the wife watching Korean movies and the husband watching action movies. Gradually, the wife’s expectations are different from the husband’s expectations, and the degeneration into other areas commences. Push each other in the path of the spouse most interested in growth.

Your marriage is important, it’s a platform for raising great children who will do what God assigns them here on this earth. It’s a stewardship and a sacred opportunity. Don’t let anything come in between you and your spouse.

Kind Regards,

Adeolu Akinyemi.

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