The Things that are different about Gen 1 and 2

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Deolu Akinyemi


  1. I have always been taught that we were meant to have dominion. I realized I don’t have a dominion mandate, it wasn’t given to an individual it was given to THEM! This means God’s man that will be have dominion is a company of men, not an individual.
  2. I have always been taught that God created man first, I can see that Male and Female created he them and that on the 6th day.
  3. I have always been worried about why Science talks about 1,000,000 years of history of dinosaurs and God’s word seems to be locked into 6,000 years. I realized that day 1 to 3 are totally on God’s timelines. If you read through Gen 1 you’ll realize that the Sun, Moon and Stars were made on Day 4. Now realize that days don’t really count until the earth can revolve around it’s axis relative to the moon, and years can’t count until the the earth revolves around the Sun…. so nothing is really counting on man’s timeline until Day 4.
  4. I never really saw Jesus in the creation story, now I see Him and the symbols that typify him all over the place. I can see him in God’s Word, I can see him in the Light that formed the Day without the Sun, I can see him in the Vines and we as his branches, bearing fruit after his kind, I can see him in the Sabbath – Our eternal rest. I can see him manifesting in Chapter 2 as Lord God as distinct from God. I can see him in the SEED of the Woman, I can see him everywhere. What he did at creation, He still does through me.
  5. I was taught that God blessing man was a big deal and it includes a total packaged blessing. I realized however that God first blessed birds and fishes, and that what blessing really means is the actualization of the full potential of any creation. Fuller lives for birds and fishes is productivity, fuller life for humanity is Christ! I must not desire any yeye blessing if it’s goal is not to make me more like Christ. Not money, not materialism, Christ is all we need! Not for anything other than to fulfill God’s plan in the earth of raising more sons to God.
  6. I was taught that I was a co-creator with God! A thought carefully planted by devils in suit. I don’t blame them though, the Serpent though a wild animal packaged for Eve and gave a desire to be like God. I saw God creating me, forming me and not even through with making me. Yes I have the capacity to make things, as He gives me inspiration, I am not to think of myself more highly than His word defines. Taking God at is word, is humility.
  7. I have always glossed over the Day and Night in the bible that existed before the Sun and the Stars. I realize however that God has a day. It’s called the Day of the Lord, it’s described as a great and terrible day. It’s the Day that Jesus’ words prepare us for. It’s a Day that those who don’t understand the Gospel of Christ needs to be afraid of. This day is not the conversation today because we have lost our compass. God will give us grace to share about this Day soon.
  8. I have been taught that when we are saved and die and rise there will be no more work. I however saw that work didn’t start when man fell, that in God’s perfect Eden, man had work. I realize that work is spiritual and while it is Day, I must work. I must see my work as a platform for doing God’s work.
  9. I have been taught that to be fruitful and multiply, fill, subdue, replenish the earth and have dominion were given to us to use to make things and become inventors. I realized that it’s the same commandment in Matt 28:18-20. The quest is discipleship in the new covenant. God wants us to go out and scatter out to raise disciples, not gather them together in a monument and keep feeding them for 25 years into irresponsible deacons and senior pastors.
  10. I have always learnt Gen 1 and 2 as a template for creation for my personal agenda, I have always learnt to use scripture and God for what I can get. I realized that God predated history, he was before the beginning, he wasn’t created at the beginning. I realized that the best value of my life is as He intended it. I realize that the only activities that are timeliness are the ones done in the love and followership of he who is timeless. “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” – John 17:3. There is no eternal life outside of Christ, there is no knowing God outside of knowing the one He sent. May these words make meaning to you.

God’s blessings

Adeolu Akinyemi
WhatsApp: 08037228919
NB: The Bible Study is in Session. We will stop adding people from this weekend. If you are joining us, send your full names

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