
My Gee, show me the way, what are you doing to make money?

In our society, the origins of wealth are seldom questioned; the allure of affluence often casts a shadow over the means of its acquisition. Similarly, the thirst for miracles overshadows the curiosity to scrutinize their sources. Generosity, when activated by the wealthy, can seemingly absolve them of any misdeeds, a societal quirk that prevails despite …

My Gee, show me the way, what are you doing to make money? Read More »

The Transformative Power of Perspective: A P’aradigm Shift Towards Success and Fulfillment

In the bustling world we inhabit, the lens through which we view life significantly influences our actions, achievements, and overall sense of fulfillment. It is the stories of those who perceive their tasks and surroundings differently that truly underscore the immense power of perspective. Take, for instance, the timeless tale of the three construction workers …

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Mastering Conflict Resolution: Key Fundamentals for Effective Resolution

We all have conflicts, and we can choose to walk away from them or resolve them. My candid opinion is that it’s better to resolve conflicts. Conflict resolution is an art that requires patience, empathy, and a deep understanding of human dynamics. By embracing fundamental principles, individuals can navigate conflicts with grace and effectiveness. Here …

Mastering Conflict Resolution: Key Fundamentals for Effective Resolution Read More »

The Power of Energy as Our Fundamental Resource

Examining human existence, the concept of energy stands as a pivotal force that drives our actions, emotions, and overall well-being. From the moment we rise in the morning to the time we retire at night, our lives are inexorably tied to the ebb and flow of our internal energy reservoirs. This fundamental resource, often overlooked, …

The Power of Energy as Our Fundamental Resource Read More »

Interesting rule to keep your personal relationships healthy

The 5-to-1 rule is a concept in psychology that suggests that for every negative interaction or criticism, we need to have at least five positive interactions or expressions of appreciation to maintain a healthy relationship. In other words, to maintain a positive and healthy relationship, it’s important to have a balance between positive and negative …

Interesting rule to keep your personal relationships healthy Read More »

Dear husband, do not let your ego blind you to your insensitivity

Once upon a time, there was a proud lion who roamed the savannah with an air of superiority. He was known throughout the land as the king of the jungle, and his powerful roar struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it. One day, the lion came upon a group of animals who …

Dear husband, do not let your ego blind you to your insensitivity Read More »

Evangelizing by your conduct!

You are the only Bible some people will ever read! Your life must represent God, men must see your good deeds and give glory to your father in heaven. Let your life be the witness! You don’t need to preach the gospel, let your life preach the gospel! I remember once having a room mate, …

Evangelizing by your conduct! Read More »

Simple Spiritual Logic 101

Interviewer: What does it mean when Jesus said you must lose your life to find it? Christian: He meant you need to lose this life you have completely and take up His own life   Interviewer: Wow, is that possible? Christian: Yes, that’s how we should live. It requires faith.

Christian, Born Again & Unbeliever – All The Same!

“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognise what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God …

Christian, Born Again & Unbeliever – All The Same! Read More »

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