Live like God!!!
Live like God – Generous and Gracious to all – Luke 5:36 MSG
The response to this question is fundamental to our faith, yet we don’t understand it. Many people who call themselves believers know there is something wrong with their concept of it, but feel it’s one of those things to simply believe and not think through. To some it’s living forever, to others it’s life after …
If you have watched the movie – World War Z, then you really pray and hope that Ebola is not as viral as the dreaded zombie disease promoted in the movie. That being said, the movie has it’s great lessons – Great lessons on outreach or evangelism, on salvation, and a number of exciting eternal themes. …
I attended the burial of the mum of a friend. At the young age of 55, she had passed away. It was an event with mixed feelings, she had lived a great life, had children and grand children, but she was still gone too soon. Yesterday night was the wake keeping, friends and family gather …
There is an ailment gaining grounds around the world, it’s been around for a while, but hadn’t been named until recently. Do you have this ailment? Have you checked to be sure you don’t? I just analyzed everyone in my family that had died at one point or the other, and it dawned on me …
It was 1 am in the morning and the TV in my room was on, I had seen the advert for the movie and had been a little curious. I had a flight for 9am the next morning, and staying awake to watch the film meant that I might not sleep until 3am, would wake …
Today makes it one year that you passed on ahead of us to eternity. For us, it’s been one year, but for you it’s today. You are in a land where time does not count, you are with a God who is timeless, and a place where the sun neither rises no sets. I have …
The thought of our mortality is one of our greatest reservoirs of wisdom. When we ponder on the transient nature of life, we ask ourselves deep questions and our philosophies are formed. When the question of death is asked, our highest priorities surface. I like the thoughts of Stephen R. Covey, when he says begin …
On Death “Zec 11:2 “Howl fir tree, for the cedar is fallen.” Unrest hits the forest when all of a sudden the crashing sound of a mighty tree is heard. For them, it announces the presense of the woodman, and each is aware once again of it’s unbreakable appointment with the edge of the axe. …