Life is a Buffet

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Deolu Akinyemi

I’m in Abuja at the moment, writing this from the lounge on the 8th floor of Sheraton. I came to Abuja for completely different reasons from the one keeping me behind. I have come to learn, that no matter how keen, careful or conscious we are, there are things we don’t plan, they just happen to us, and we are the better for it.

I was discussing with a friend – Deji Olatunde, yesterday, when he told me a story about his younger cousin, and how he had some years ago told him that life was like a buffet. The cousin had called that he was indeed going for a buffet and he had remembered his quote. In case you are wondering what this means, I have decided to help analyze it, the way I see it.

I have come to discover that the heights that great men reached were not by sudden flight, they were by conscious choices, struggles, perseverance, relationships and skill. I discovered that though there are many ingredients in the stew of success, there is none as critical as choice in motion.

In my little study of success, I have discovered that people have made it in this world from different backgrounds for different reasons. I read through Forbes’ list of 600+ odd billionaires that were in the world as of early this year, looking to see a pattern of the industry that produced the greatest number of billionaires, to my utter shock, there was no pattern. People made if from computers, woodwork, publishing, production, manufacturing, oil, name it! Success was not in the vocation, success was in the person. I also discovered that the rich, the colored, the perceived foolish as the wise made it one way or the other to repute. Success is not in your background or starting point, it’s in the finishing line.

All these helped to reinforce the fact that success, resides in the person not in his environment. At a buffet, the food is carefully prepared and neatly arranged. You get to the restaurant sit down, and all the delicacies of life surround you. In there is bitter, in there is sweet. They are all available and are yours only by choice coupled with action. If you sit down, then your future sits down with you. If you arise, then you have an opportunity to give yourself a real treat.

Same with the buffet of life. All that you have every dreamt is available, all that you want is around you, what you need is not far, your limits to who and what you can be are not imposed by the environment, somewhere around you is a way to what you need. But the world will not meet you half way; there’ll be no cooks to serve you, no butler to ask for your order. You will rise up, and get what you want, you will “choose your pick and pick your choose”. If the meal tastes sour, it’s because you have chosen it, if it tastes great, it was you!

I also have noticed that at times you go out to get something, something else makes itself almost beggingly available on your track, you have a choice, to pick it up and try it out, or to just move on. Yeah, that’s the part that gives powers to forces beyond you in helping to shape out your life. Like now for example, I came to Abuja to pick some food items in the buffet of life, something else caught my attention, I pick it up and taste it, and see it’s better than what I came for.

There are many things you don’t know, and except you are on the move, you might never get to see beyond the limit of your eyesight. Get off your chair, leave your comfort zone. Life is a buffet, move and try, what you move to take is what you’ll eat, not what you wish.

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