Let’s Make A Difference

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Deolu Akinyemi

Tears in my eyes…

I am persuaded that I’m on course
Yes, deeply convicted I’m pushing the right cause
There are many noises calling by the sides
So many distractions playing the sea tides
But my eyes are fixed on a goal
Nothing must make my commitment less than whole

Those who chase money find it elusive
Those who catch money find it’s not exclusive
Those who have lots of money find it unsatisfying
Those who money chase find it quite intoxicating

I have decided to never make cash my aim!
To live my life from deeper ideals and stay above the game.
To not move to where next it’s happening
To stay true, faithful and loyal even when distractions are deafening
I will not succumb to the lure of free money
Or bow to the curse of artificial honey

My life will be lived to serve a cause greater than I
My life must count when I give account to the most high

Hear me out… this is more than CASH.

1 month ago…I was shown the full picture below, of people who had gone online to raise money for brother Ben Herbert. The Doctors had fixed a date for his leg to be amputated from the Knee. He had a wound, he also had diabetes, and the wound was rotting and getting worse. A fellow distributor and citizen of TRN (The Ruzu Nation) came to me to ask if we could sacrifice one carton of Ruzu to show what Ruzu can do for this man. I obliged.

By the time Ben’s friends took to social media, he was already on a wheel chair, and it was N2.5m that was required to set things right. Setting things right meant, getting the leg amputated and not walking again.

The pictures speak for themselves, but the video will be more dangerous, wait for it. In less than 4 weeks, and with less than 4 bottles of Ruzu – some ingested and some poured on the wound, Ben Herbert is OFF the WHEEL CHAIR, and the wound is almost fully healed. Look at the pictures! 

The Challenge of N2.5million that would have resulted in the man being on a wheel chair all his life has been solved by less than N12,000. God is using Ruzu to turn people’s situations around, and we give Him all the glory. This is just one of the testimonies of Ruzu usage – This is as recent as 2017.

Many times, people are too shy to share their testimonies, sometimes people feel more comfortable to say – Praise the Lord, than explain what actually happened. We understand it, and whether we like it or not, it is God’s doing, it only becomes easy to help others, when we share what we actually did, that God used. Ruzu is a Nigerian product, and you need to hear the testimonies coming in from the Philippines, South Africa, Europe and America.

Some will say, it’s helping a few make money. While it’s far from true, I want to ask those people a question “Who you EPP?”. In a world where everyone and everything takes from you, there are only a few givers. Last year alone, the company demonstrated clearly her commitment by sharing over N600,000,000 among distributors. Some earned as much as N36m while some as little as N10,000. This is outside of RETAIL profits, which are REAL. People are compensated based on their efforts. It’s a fair model. It’s not get rich quick, it’s get rich sure. It’s not chasing after money, it’s adding value, and making people’s lives better because you DARED.

The Ruzu Nation is taking Citizens. The citizens are eligible for leadership opportunities as they drive the value of the Nation. Senators qualify for travel, Governors get Cars and Presidents are given houses. It’s a journey that can be as short as 1 year or as long as 10, but there is a plan for every citizen. While all of these go on, people are adding tremendous value worldwide.

I will gladly spread the word on this, and do my best for the world to know that GOOD things and GREAT people come from Nigeria!

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