Join Us At These Times

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Deolu Akinyemi

“There are three conversions a person needs to experience: The conversion of the head, the conversion of the heart, and the conversion of the pocketbook.” – Martin Luther

It doesn’t make sense to live near the river and wash your hands with spit. It doesn’t make sense to live in the midst of abundance and die of hunger or poverty. It doesn’t make sense to have light, and grope around in the dark. Kindly bookmark this page, share with your friends and keep a tab on what is going on around you.

Our assignment is unique and simple, to build global leaders! These are people who will take or accept responsibility for being God’s representatives on their spheres of influence.

Why You Should Join us at 7-8am on Sundays

90% of the people you meet and shake hands with fit into the classification of what God calls Foolish. You can go to church everyday of the week, shun sin, and live righteously and still be foolish. The parable of the 10 Virgins with 5 wise and 5 foolish makes this clear. You can be a righteous fool, just like you can be a foolish virgin. Wisdom is not being careful, being moderate or speaking queens English. Wisdom is how you run your affairs. Wisdom is operating with certain basic principles. You can be revered as a person of faith and be foolish. Wisdom is how you think once your mind is focusing on the long-term. The moment you are pressured into living for the moment or the day, your actions would be folly.

At 7-8am at Heaven’s Citizens Christian Centre we teach the Wisdom principles of the Kingdom of Heaven for our finances. It’s FREE and those who attend have testimonies. We also make the class really interactive and turn it into a mastermind group by dividing the people into groups and giving them the opportunity of reviewing their financial goals for the week and month together in a non threatening way. The feeling is liberating! This is one segment you can’t really get on for now.

It is not possible for you to attend consistently for 3 months and your finances would not change for the better. If you don’t understand the first class, keep coming till you do, and attend the midweek trainings.

Venue? Heaven’s Citizens Christian Centre, Gold Hall, Our Place, 7 Olufunmilola Okikiolu Street, Off Toyin Street. Ikeja Lagos. You need to wake up early to make it. Have a good night rest.

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Why You Should Join us at 8-10am Sundays

There is a big problem in the world! The nations cannot be transformed, because the church is not reformed. In the early days of the apostles, 2 disciples was all it took to turn a city upside down. One disciple in Crete was enough to transform the city and set leaders over the city. Back then the disciples had a form of godliness and the power was not denied.

Today, we have proclaimed Christians everywhere, yet our society is corrupt. The salt of the earth has become salt in the salt shaker. We have a form of godliness, but we deny the power. Many agree that Jesus is lord  and call him “Lord, Lord” but are heading for an eternity in HELL. God’s standards are clear and different, only those who do the Will of the Father in HEAVEN will enter the kingdom of God. There are many who think they are saved, but are not! Many whose convictions about their salvations are so strong that they will contend and debate with Christ on the of Judgment. Jesus foretold his classical response ahead Matthew 7:21-23. “I never knew you, you who practice lawlessness”.

At HCCC we are dedicated to exposing the Father’s will for our Generation and obeying it. If you are following Jesus and have no track record of fishing for men who are not only following Jesus but also fishing for men, then it is not Jesus you are following. Unfortunately the Gospel of the Kingdom is scarce!

At 8am -10am. Our Service is dedicated to unveiling His will and positioning ourselves to engage our society. You can either come and worship with us or join us online at to be a part of this work. If you are coming, invite a friend. There is a reward in Heaven for those who invite and disciple others.

Venue? Heaven’s Citizens Christian Centre, Gold Hall, Our Place, 7 Olufunmilola Okikiolu Street, Off Toyin Street. Ikeja Lagos.


Why you should join us for 6-8pm on Thursdays

The time we have to really break down and enlighten each other on the principles of operation of the Kingdom of Heaven as regards finances on Sundays are limited. There are so many paradigms we hold that need to shift. The active key word is REPENT.

With the darkness about Financial Mastery so gross, the only real solution is to shine the light! If you can’t manage unrighteous mammon, you are not ready for true riches. Once your mind changes, you life changes!

On Thursdays we have a no holds barred 2hrs straight session on Financial Mastery! It’s critical for anybody trying to get out of debt, anybody trying to re-plan their lives and structure for growth, anybody desirous of financial freedom or any couple that want to begin afresh more intelligently. We start on the dot of 6pm. We open with a 3 mins prayer and we share for 1hr 40 mins and leave some time for questions and answers. You really don’t’ want to miss this.

This is also available in audio format and online.

Venue? Heaven’s Citizens Christian Centre, Gold Hall, Our Place, 7 Olufunmilola Okikiolu Street, Off Toyin Street. Ikeja Lagos.

Adeolu Akinyemi

Pastor Entrepreneur Nation Builder.

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Are you earning enough passively to take care of your living expenses

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