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Deolu Akinyemi

There are a lot of things happening at the same time. The financial terrain in Nigeria is witnessing a shaking, like everywhere else in the world. The NSE is not only reporting decline in share prices, the shares are actually illiquid. Just a few minutes ago, I got a call from someone informing me that someone is willing to sell his Oceanic Bank shares at 40k less than today’s market price. I know by experience, that for most of what is on the market, attempting to sell is currently difficult as nobody is buying. This is against the campaign of “buy when the market is low”. Investors have lost confidence in the market, and are not willing to gamble if it will go low or come up anymore. I have my money and the money of a few good friends in this stock market. The key word now is watch and pray, as it’s completely out of our hands for now, and from the look of things, perhaps till the end of first quarter next year.

Against this backdrop, I have been searching around to see opportunities for personal and public rebound. What can people invest in today. What opportunities exist for people to take advantage of. In my search, I discovered a variety of opportunities. Some of them good, some of them perhaps too good to be true, and some of them just ok.  I see myself as having a responsibility of sharing knowledge with my readers that will help them develop and create wealth for themselves. It’s also interesting that the average Nigerian is also experienced in the art of wealth creation, most of the experience has however been bad, and now we have people who complain about the past and are unwilling to try anything new. I say blessed are they who do nothing today, because yesterday’s seed didn’t bring in any results today, they will reap what they  have sown, nothing.

No matter how sure an opportunity looks, there is always risk involved. It’s always a gamble, things can turn in so many ways. If it’s real estate – there will be a shaking in that industry, if it’s investment in business, every business is a risk, whatever the opportunities are, there are ways to underscore them. However, I’m inundated about the variety of opportunities and the potentials that exist today as alternatives, I’ll write them all here briefly, and expect that if you are interested you’ll contact me. Remember, those who Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly are P.O.O.R

1. Real Estate: They say the only real estate is real estate. There are currently still opportunities to save your money from devaluation by buying up properties. There is an opportunity to buy up plots and pay over 20-24 months. There are opportunities to buy, hold and sell. There are also opportunities to broker real estate deals, locally and internationally, there are also great opportunities to invest in properties or combine together with a pool. If you are interested, do let me know. There is also a property investment where you invest money with a Real Estate company towards their project development. They are giving a 45% per annum guaranteed.

2. Lagos Taxi: There is an investment opportunity with investing in Lagos Taxi’s. A company is managing the taxi’s,  and they are meant to have meters and satelite navigation systems. It’s an opportunity that promises above 60% ROI per annum. New Nigeria Club also has a provision for making it affordable for all it’s members that are interested. If you are interested, hit the contact button let me know.

3. MLM Revolution: I know some people have had unexciting experience with MLM, and some very pleasant experiences. MLM as an industry is about to tip in Nigeria, as banks have now started looking in that direction. I know a number of friends who have been approached, and I am also meeting up with one Financial Services company MD tomorrow. There are five companies I know of currently that have tangible products and are giving people opportunities to earn as much as millions in these down times. One of them has attracted payments from 200,000 Nigerians in the space of 2 months. I’m sure they’ll rise to public notice soon, this is the time for wise people to take position. In Malaysia alone there are over 622 MLM companies, and with a revolution imminent here with the way I know the financial services sector will drive it, I think you can take position.

4. Brokerage: There are a number of deals you can be middle man for and earn some steady income. There are some that we have direct access to. For this you must be linked and willing to leverage on your links. It won’t involve any product that does not have value or merit in itself, it will only require someone who is willing to midwive and follow up.

There is the season to sow, and the season to reap. To maximize the use of this seasons however, one must participate in the activities of the season. If one does not plant during the sowing season, one cannot reap in the reaping season. In the reaping season, harvesting is a responsibility. Harvesting requires individual effort, it requires putting in the sickle and bringing it in. Laziness is the inability to engage in meaniful work that brings in the harvest.

There is much food in the tilage of the poor, but there is that is destroyed for want of judgement.

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