There is a university hidden in plain sight. It is the University of Nature. There are many lessons we can learn by observation. If we just look around us and ponder, we will be wiser from observing where the creatures with not as much intelligence as we live carefree and fully.
Nature has a healthy curriculum, and it takes paying attention to access the right fruits of knowledge and wisdom already encapsulated in nature. Even the Bible records that there are two books where the knowledge of God is declared, one is the Torah, and the other is Nature. Nature speaks a language that every human being can understand, we don’t need to be schooled to read nature, and we don’t need a degree from Ivy League schools to enjoy the rich resource of knowledge that some animals possess.
I foresee that this conversation will spam many articles, as I am learning how to keep it short. I hope and believe, however, that taking this journey together will open your eyes to many things happening around you that you haven’t observed.
In the book of Proverbs, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the author penned down these words – Go to the ant, you sluggard, consider its ways and be wise. This is a direct authorization to attend the hidden university of nature, observe the ants and find that wisdom is planning and planning is a solution to laziness. The ants teach a full curriculum on thinking ahead, being proactive, and putting first things first. You don’t need to understand queens English to learn from the Ants, nobody is disqualified from attending the University of the Ants.
There are a number of issues that are addressed succinctly by nature, what to eat to stay healthy, managing anxiety, the power of training, trust, and so much more. Take time to pause today and reflect, there are insights all around you.
Kind Regards,
Adeolu Akinyemi.