Author name: DeoluAkinyemi

Identity-Brandfaces Article 001

How did we get to where we are? Today’s corporate world has come a very long way. Industry gradually transformed from the agricultural economy of the 1700’s through the industrial revolution of the 1800’s into scientific management in the 1900’s which has resulted into the hypotheses and theorems we have today. The laws of history …

Identity-Brandfaces Article 001 Read More »


Hmmm… I never seem to be out of dull moments. Every object has unlimited views, you can turn 360 degrees around it from 360 different angles, and even those angles can still be divided by as much as you want. If you don’t understand it, it’s because I didn’t explain it clearly enough, even you …

Crossroads! Read More »

Hurray, He’s crawling!!

Today, 11:40am 16th November, 2005 I Adeolu Akinyemi had my first baby crawls into blogging. It’s the beginning of a new journey, one that intends to traverse crawling to walking, walking to running, running to flying and flying to ‘vincing’. Yeah, the word vincing is mine, as would be many others. Ase!

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