One of the greatest ploys of the Devil in our age, is not to make people become atheists or worship other gods. His greatest ploy is to make people believe that they are followers of Jesus while they are not! This may not be apparent to you, if you are dangerously deceived!
Jesus uttered one of the scariest words in the world in Matthew 7:21 -23. They are statements we should never gloss over. “Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Let’s capture the key highlights, as this is meant to be brief
1. There are many people who accept the lordship of Jesus who are not going to make it into the kingdom of heaven.
2. There are many who not only believe His Lordship, but use his name to prophecy, cast out demons, do miracles and mighty works that will not make it.
3. Many of these people who Jesus would reject on the judgment day would believe they were supposed to make it, they will ask didn’t we?
4. There is only one set who will make it, not those who accept the lordship, but those who do the Fathers will.
5. Not the Father’s wills, but the Father’s will!
6. Jesus caps it by saying He never knew them, and that they were practicing lawlessness.
Do you know My Father’s will? His will is straight forward, it was what Jesus came to do, and it was what he left us to complete. It’s not a function of where you worship, how long you have worshipped or who you sing to as your God. Are you aware of His will? Are you doing it? If you want to know My Father’s will, and enlist in doing it. Why not join us on Sunday from 8am to 10am as we unveil a dimension of God’s will!
Fill the form here for a reminder to come. We will also be spending quality time helping one another ensure the right foundations for this year. It’s going to be filled with grace and truth!