I accepted a challenge to join a few excited young men… and I hope there is a lady somewhere in the mix in a 30 days blogging Challenge. This means I intend to write everyday for the next 30 days. It’s going to be all exciting if my readers also participate in reading and commenting. Sometimes I see 1,500 views and the comments seem always reserved for my birthday wishes đŸ™‚
In order to write for 30 days, I must learn 30 days none stop. It’s interesting that it also actually coincides with my 30 days bible reading Challenge. I did a 35 days challenge earlier were about 50 of us read through the New Testament and got amazing results! My Children age 9 and 6 also finished the New Testament in that time, and are currently at Numbers in their read through of the Old testament. The target is that by the time they are 12, like Jesus, they should be able to debate with people who claim to be Christians and have not bothered to read the text đŸ™‚ Well, let me not bore you with that. Here is announcing that my 30 Days blogging Challenge has started. I encourage you to join me as well, maybe you can start your blog and join in the race. I have promised to give visibility to any blog joining me in this challenge, and the most consistent would win a price as well.
The last 2 days of my life have been quite exciting. August 4 was my birthday so I decided to go out with my team members for a movie and dinner yesterday. Â We watched “Guardians of the Galaxy” and it was cool. If you have not watched the movie, I think it’s a good watch. Quite exciting and many lessons. Here are a few unexpanded lessons I learnt. If I get enough comments, I’ll honour you with a post to expand it. Deal!
1. The highest form of any team, is when they are all happy to die together for what they believe. Until you are ready to die, you are not ready to really live. Those who lose the fear of death qualify to live full lives.
2. The highest form of maturity is when when we move from I to We. I am groot is independent, we are groot is interdependent.
3. We all need each other. Everyone of us, is less than all of us.
4. There is no death, death is the birth of new life. There is no need to fear death, it could also the re-union with loved ones.
5. Don’t look down on others. The person you call boy today, can become your biggest problem in the near future. Learn to see people as part of your team, not forever your subordinates.
6. We are at our best, when we are fighting to save. It’s never all about us. It’s about the world around us that needs saving, it’s about the community, family or individuals around us.
Today, I was out to for dinner with another set of team mates, and we watched “Step Up, All in”. Will share the lessons of that one shortly. Hopefully before Next Week, when I intend to go watch movies with yet another team. Yeah, don’t live waiting to die, Live!